Is a vein weakness curable? | Vein weakness

Is a vein weakness curable?

If a vein weakness is caused by a congestion of the veins, which is quickly removed, healing can be achieved. On the other hand, a weakness of the venous valves is usually caused by many factors. For example, the stability of the connective tissue plays a role, which unfortunately can only be influenced with difficulty.

Therefore it is very difficult to cure a venous weakness. However, if it is mild, it has no disease content except for the cosmetic aspect. If it is detected early, rapid progression and worsening of the disease can be prevented.

It is particularly important to eliminate other risk factors such as overweight or lack of exercise. This can also relieve the symptoms of venous weakness. If surgery or sclerotherapy is performed on the veins in cases of severe venous weakness, it often improves the problems. As a result, patients feel a sense of healing from the disease. This feeling can be maintained by conscious behavior such as lots of exercise and wearing compression stockings.

Does vein weakness reduce my life expectancy ?

In most cases, a weakness of the veins does not reduce the life expectancy of the patient. Although the complaints and symptoms on the legs can be very unpleasant, they do not usually cause significant damage to the rest of the body. If the venous weakness turns into chronic venous insufficiency, serious complications can arise in the late stages.

These include, for example, ulcus cruris. This is a wound that develops on the leg. If treated very poorly, it can lead to blood poisoning, which can be fatal if poorly treated.

Another dangerous complication is deep vein thrombosis of the leg. If a blood clot breaks off here and is carried into the lung, this is called a pulmonary embolism, which can also be fatal. It is important to know that both cases occur only very rarely and in cases of already existing serious diseases of the venous system. In addition, several risk factors must coincide for a life-threatening complication to arise.