Is Cleaning the Ears Really Useful?

Removing earwax? Is that the same as blowing your nose? Not at all. Because unlike a stuffy nose, you should think briefly beforehand about whether you really want to “clean” your ears now.

Caution when cleaning with cotton swabs

Everyone knows cotton swabs. After you have carefully inserted them into the ear, the cotton swab subsequently has a yellowish color.

What most people do not consider, however, is that it can also be very unpleasant if you do not pay attention when handling the cotton swabs. In the worst case, the earwax is pushed deeper into the ear. As a result, the ear canal can become clogged and the family doctor has to rinse the ear free again with warm water.

That the ear canal is clogged is usually noticed as a sudden hearing loss.

Yet the earwax helps….

…in the defense against germs and bacteria. Earwax is a yellowish secretion consisting of the secretion of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the external auditory canal, skin flakes and penetrated dirt.

The scientific name of earwax is cerumen. It contains special enzymes such as lysozyme, which are capable of destroying the cell walls of bacteria and thus destroying the pathogens. So you should not clean your ears too often.

What is the best way to clean your ears?

The ear canal has a self-cleaning mechanism. Therefore, if you have healthy ears, it is enough to clean the auricle with a soft cloth or a cotton swab.