Is it allowed to swim with a timpani tube? | Timpani Tubes

Is it allowed to swim with a timpani tube?

Swimming with a timpani tube is not recommended. Normally the water is held up by the eardrum.In a tympanic tube, it can pass through the eardrum and enter the middle ear just as secretions from the middle ear enter the outer ear canal. The sterile space of the middle ear can thus come into contact with pathogens during swimming, which can infect both the ossicles and the adjacent inner ear.

In addition, the middle ear is otherwise only filled with air. Water could therefore also cause physical damage in this area and affect the vibrational ability of the structures. The use of earplugs is a solution for swimming with a tympanic tube.

In this case, however, the optimal fit must be ensured by a hearing care professional. It is absolutely necessary to use a water protection when using a tympani tube. However, which water protection should be used depends on the humidity and the extent to which the tube is wetted with water.

  • For outdoor use, it is usually sufficient to use absorbent cotton in the outer ear canal, which should be changed regularly.
  • When showering, absorbent cotton is sufficient even if the shower spray is used carefully. However, if you cannot guarantee the ingress of water, you should use earplugs. Commercially available earplugs from the pharmacy are sufficient for showering.
  • However, if you want to swim with tympani tubes, you should have them fitted by a hearing aid acoustician to ensure an optimal fit.

Is it allowed to fly with a timpani tube?

Those affected can fly in an airplane with a tympanic tube without hesitation. The pressure can be equalized by the tube as well as by the deflection of the eardrum. The only difference with a horizontal tube is that the eardrum does not deflect to very little because the air can pass through the eardrum freely. From a purely objective point of view, pressure equalization during take-off and landing is even easier and more pleasant for those affected, since the well innervated eardrum is not irritated and no feeling of pressure is created.