Is it painful? | The vas deferens valve

Is it painful?

The procedure for installing the valve is performed under local anesthesia. Therefore the patient does not feel anything during the operation. However, as with any other operation, tissue is broken open and sutured back together, so that one should expect pain later.

What does the spermatic valve cost?

For the implantation of the two spermatic valves one should calculate with about 5. 000 Euro. On top of this, there is the cost of a spermiogram after three months. These costs amount to about 100 Euro.

What are the risks and long-term side effects of the spermatic valve?

Nothing is currently known about risks or long-term side effects. Because worldwide only the inventor carries the valve. The manufacturer equates the risk spectrum with that of a vasectomy and classifies it as very low.

Can this be undone?

Currently the manufacturer does not give any information about this.

Is the vas deferens valve safe as a contraceptive method?

How safe the spermatic valve really is, cannot be said at this stage. There are no studies on this. Approximately three months after the operation, a spermiogram should be taken to the urologist to see if there are any sperm left in the ejaculate.

Who can implant a vas deferens valve?

The implantation of the spermatic valve is carried out by urologists specially trained in this field.