Is night sweat a sign of pregnancy? | Night sweat

Is night sweat a sign of pregnancy?

There are few safe and many unsafe signs of pregnancy. Although night sweat is not one of the classic complaints, such as nausea, that women develop during pregnancy, it does occasionally occur. Especially during pregnancy, i.e. in the 2nd trimester, some women seem to complain about night sweats.

However, night sweats cannot be regarded as signs of pregnancy. Since night sweat usually occurs only during the course of pregnancy, it is usually known for a long time. In addition, night sweat is a very unspecific symptom, which can have a wide variety of causes. In early pregnancy, night sweat does not occur, so that no pregnancy can be guessed on the basis of this.

Night sweat during pregnancy – What is behind it?

Night sweats can occur during pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations. Sweating during the day or hot flashes can also be present during pregnancy. A serious illness is only rarely hidden behind night sweats during pregnancy.

As a rule, the increased sweating is due to the hormonal, very special situation of pregnancy. The time of night sweats during pregnancy also varies greatly. Some women tend to complain about complaints in early pregnancy, others in late pregnancy. There is generally no specific cause behind night sweats during pregnancy.

Puerperium and night sweats

The puerperium is a very sensitive phase that lasts about 6 to 8 weeks and follows immediately after birth. Women in the puerperium experience a partly unpleasant phase in which the body adapts to its everyday state again. Night sweats can occur in the puerperium for various reasons.

The most common cause is hormonal changes or hormonal confusion after pregnancy.Many women are then very sensitive to heat and sweat more. Another possible cause is an infection. This is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain and malodorous discharge.

Night sweat on the head

Sweating on the head is described by those affected as very unpleasant and sleep-deprived. This often leads to sweaty hair and, as a result, to an itchy scalp. Sweating on the head is favored by various factors.

Above all by the consumption of spicy and greasy food shortly before going to bed, as well as a strong alcohol consumption. Overweight people also often sweat heavily on the head. Besides the manifestation of sweat on the head, the head is also a cause of increased night sweat production. If one worries too much or cannot switch off and is exposed to higher internal tension, the body is more active at night and stress hormones are released, which stimulates sweat production.