Is the fox tapeworm contagious? | Fox tapeworm

Is the fox tapeworm contagious?

The fox tapeworm is not transmissible from person to person.

What are the signs of the fox tapeworm?

Since the pathogens multiply very slowly, the first symptoms often appear years after infection. There are no specific signs. Therefore, everyone should pay attention to hygienic measures (washing food, hand hygiene).

Hunters should take care to handle killed foxes only with protective gloves. Dogs should be dewormed regularly. Dogs that are used for hunting, especially in fox dens, should be showered very thoroughly afterwards.

What are the consequences of the fox tapeworm?

The complications that can arise from an infection with the fox tapeworm are already listed in the symptoms. In general, an untreated alveolar echinococcosis sooner or later leads to death. Diagnosis and therapy are therefore crucial.