Is there a risk of infection in the case of floret lichen? | Floret lichen

Is there a risk of infection in the case of floret lichen?

It is assumed that floret lichen is not an infectious disease. In any case, no direct transmission of the disease has been reported. However, since a viral cause is assumed, it is conceivable that the triggering herpes viruses are transmitted from person to person.

This mostly symptomless initial infection then remains unnoticed. If the virus is reactivated, a floral lichen can then develop under the influence of triggering factors. The floret lichen as such is thus not contagious per se. However, the presumably triggering virus can be transmitted from person to person.

Rose lichen as an indication of HIV?

In the case of rose lichen, small reddish spots form on the skin, which flake and itch severely. Similar symptoms occur during a new infection with the HI virus (HIV) and are an early indicator of infection. Patients who observe changes in their skin and have concerns should consult a doctor and be tested for HIV.