Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for pain in the lower abdomen

Is there a suitable complex agent?

Active ingredients: Solidago Hevert Complex Drops are a complexing agent: Effect: The drops are effective against inflammation and complaints of the urinary tract.The resulting discomfort in the lower abdomen is alleviated by the creation of the milieu in the renal pelvis area. Dosage: 10 drops are recommended for the dosage. For acute complaints 12 intakes per day can be taken, for longer-term pain 3 intakes per day are recommended.

  • Acidum nitricum D4
  • Apis D3
  • Belladonna D4
  • Cantharis D4
  • Juniperus communis D3
  • Solidago virgaurea mother tincture.

Active ingredients: The Defaeton spag. contains Peka N drops: Effect: The drops are especially effective against constipation and complaints during defecation. They naturally stimulate the intestine and thus relieve existing complaints in the lower colon.

Dosage: 5 drops with a little water, maximum six times a day are recommended.

  • Peumus boldus spag. peka D6
  • Cynara scolymus D12
  • Dioscorea vill.


  • Rhamnus frangula D8
  • Fumaria off. Spag. peka D6
  • Rheumatism palmatum D8
  • Strychnos ignatii spag. peka D6

How often and for how long should I take homeopathic medication?

How often and for how long homeopathic remedies should be taken depends on various factors. Most homeopathic remedies can be taken three times a day. Aconitum can also be taken up to six times a day for acute complaints.

This frequency of use should be reduced in accordance with the pain. In general, the homeopathic remedies can be taken over several days. If there is no improvement, further homeopathic treatment should only take place after consultation with a homeopathic doctor.

Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy?

Whether the treatment of pain in the lower abdomen should only be done with homeopathy depends on the cause of the pain. Pain in the lower abdomen is in many cases acutely severe or chronic, i.e. lasting longer. Accordingly, for example in the case of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, appendicitis or irritable bowel, homeopathy should only be used as a supportive measure. In the case of a bladder infection, on the other hand, an attempt can be made to treat it by homeopathy alone, in combination with plenty of fluids.