Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for sore throats

Is there a suitable complex agent?

Active ingredients: The active ingredients of the complexing agent include Effect: The effect of Tonsillopas® tablets is to strengthen the body’s immune system. The tablets have a soothing effect on irritated mucous membranes and reduce pain in the neck area. Dosage: The dosage of Tonsillopas® tablets is recommended with a maximum of six tablets per day.

  • Baptisia D1
  • Mercurius cyanatus D8
  • Ammonium bromatum D4
  • Potassium bichromicum D4
  • Potassium chlorate D2
  • Apisinum D6

Active ingredients: The complex agent Echinacea Mouth and Throat Spray contains the homeopathic active ingredients: Effect: The complex remedy is effective for inflammation of the throat or tonsils. It has a local calming and anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue. Dosage: For acute complaints, the spray can be used up to three times a day with one or two strokes.

  • Echinacea pallida
  • Salvia officinalis
  • Calendula officinalis
  • Argentine nitricum

Globules for sore throats for children

There are various globules that are suitable for children with sore throats. However, care should be taken to consult a doctor if the symptoms do not improve within a few days. A doctor should also be consulted promptly if other symptoms such as fever, coatings on the tonsils, shortness of breath or strange bad breath occur.

Argentum nitricum can be used in case of mucus and the urge to clear the throat constantly. This homeopathic remedy also helps well with a rough feeling in the throat and chills. It is used in potency D12.

Five globules can be taken three times a day until improvement occurs. The homeopathic remedy Calcium carbonicum can be used for recurring colds with sore throats. The homeopathic remedy is also popular for swollen tonsils and light fever and sweating. The dosage is recommended with potency D12 with five globules up to three times a day.