Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy to treat headaches

Is there a suitable complex agent?

Active ingredients: The complex agent Cyclamen Pentarkan® N is composed of five homeopathic active ingredients. These are: The components are mixed in the same ratio. Effect: Cyclamen Pentarkan® N is used for headaches, as it has a pain-reducing effect.

It relieves headaches of various kinds and also works for some accompanying symptoms. These include visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Therefore, the complex remedy is often used for migraines.

Dosage: The dosage of the complex remedy is recommended for acute and severe headaches with five drops each with up to six intakes a day. They should be taken at least 30 minutes apart. Chronic, recurring headaches, however, should be treated with a maximum of three intakes per day.

  • Cyclamen D3
  • Cimicifuga D3
  • Gel semium D3
  • Iris D2
  • Sanguinaria D6

Active ingredients: The complex agent Spigelia Pentarkan® contains five different homeopathic active ingredients. These include: These are mixed in the same ratio. Effect: Spigelia Pentarkan® D has a pain-reducing effect and influences the blood circulation in the head area.

It is particularly good for treating headaches that are accompanied by other symptoms. These include dizziness and nausea. In addition, the effect occurs relatively quickly, which is why the preparation is often used for acute complaints.

Dosage: The complex remedy is recommended for acute headaches with six applications a day. Five drops can be taken per intake. The interval between the intakes should be at least thirty minutes. In the treatment of chronic headaches it is recommended to take five drops up to three times a day.

  • Spigelia D3
  • Belladonna D3
  • Glonoinum D5
  • Nux vomica D3
  • Secale cornutum D3

How often and for how long should I take homeopathic medication?

How often and how long homeopathic remedies should be taken depends on the intensity of the headache and its character. For acute headaches, homeopathic remedies should generally also be used in the dosage intended for the acute case. As a rule, treatment should not be necessary for longer than one week. In the case of long-term therapy, the dosage should be reduced and, if necessary, consultation with homeopathic specialists should be held.