Isoflavones: Food

Intake recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) are not yet available for these vital substances.

Isoflavone content of selected foods.
Daidzein content – expressed in μg – per 100 g of foodstuff
Chickpeas 11,00-192,00
Soy and soy products
Soy milk 1.800
Soy sausage 4.900
Tofu 7.600
Soybean seedlings 13.800
Tempeh 19.000
Miso paste 26.600
Soybeans 10.500-85.000
Genistein content – expressed in µg – per 100 g of foodstuff.
Chickpeas 69,00-214,00
Kidney Beans 18,00-518,00
Soy and soy products
Soy milk 2.600
Soy sausages 13,900
Tofu 16.600
Soybean seedlings 23.000
Tempeh 32.000
Miso paste 37.600
Soybeans 72.900
Glycitein content – expressed in μg – per 100 g of food
Soy and soy products
Soy milk 400
Soy germ 900

Note: For detailed food lists of each phytochemical, see the appropriate topic.