Itching | Swollen lip


In the context of allergies, lip swelling can occur in combination with itching. The itching can be limited to one part of the body or in the whole body. The itching is caused by the excessive release of messenger substances from the mast cells of the body.

Among other things, histamine mediates itching. Allergic reactions should be clarified by a doctor and appropriate measures taken. Swelling of the lips caused by a viral or bacterial cause or due to an allergy is usually painful.

In inflammatory processes, histamine, among other things, can cause not only swelling but also pain.Furthermore, in the area of the face and lips, the branches of the so-called trigeminal nerve are responsible for the perception of touch, temperature and also pain. If damaging stimuli act on the lips, the unpleasant sensory perception can cause pain. This leads to various endogenous reactions and in the course of these reactions different messenger substances are released by the cells in the body.

This then manifests itself as lip pain, for example. The swelling can also cause tension pain. A swollen lip can be painless in the context of Quinke’s edema.

Causes of Quinke’s edema: Quinke’s edema can last from hours to days. Usually due to an allergy, there is a sudden increase in the permeability of the lip vessels and consequently the lip swells.

  • It can be caused by certain drugs, such as ACE inhibitors.
  • Quinke edema can also have genetic causes. In these cases, the painless swelling is due to a congenital deficiency of a protein called C1 esterase inhibitor. This protein plays an important role in controlling and regulating part of the body’s immune system.

Treatment of lip swelling

In case of lip swelling caused by an allergic reaction, the reaction should be quick. If it occurs for the first time, a doctor should be consulted. If an allergy was the reason for the lip swelling, it is very important to find out what the person is allergic to.

If the allergy is known, appropriate learned measures such as cooling the lip, taking emergency medication and inhalation should be taken immediately. If the swelling of the lips is not as pronounced and there are no further complaints, a visit to the doctor is not necessary. However, if the swelling has not subsided or has worsened after two days, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

If the lip swelling is caused by an injury, there are often additional open spots on the lip. These wounds should be cleaned. In the further course of treatment, adequate hygiene should be ensured.

To prevent infections, an antiseptic ointment is usually recommended. In case of a herpes infection, a special ointment containing acyclovir is recommended. Ointments containing antibiotics are not effective in a herpes infection.

The herpes infection is contagious. If a herpes infection is suspected, you should immediately refrain from touching your lips with your hands, kissing someone or practicing oral sex. In addition, you should avoid sharing glasses, bottles, cutlery and anything that is touched with your mouth.

Furthermore, towels should be used only by the person concerned. In some cases, home remedies can help with swollen lips. Depending on the cause, different home remedies can provide relief.

If the lip swelling is due to a minor injury or allergy, without accompanying symptoms, immediate cooling can relieve the swelling. Depending on what is within reach, a cold spoon, ice cube or ice pad can be used. In case of sunburn damaged lips with blisters, the lips should be carefully cooled.

In this case, wet, cold cloths or washcloths are recommended. Afterwards, the application of olive oil or marigold ointment is recommended. Quark can also be used to cool and apply to burned lips and can have a soothing effect.

If the lips swell up apparently for no reason after a hard day, chewing lemon balm helps some people affected. The lemon balm juice has a calming effect and soothes the swollen lips. Lemon balm oil or honey can also have a soothing effect on swollen, easily bleeding lips.

It is recommended to gently apply the oil or honey to the lips with a clean cotton swab. Afterwards, boiled, cooled black tea bags can further soothe the lips. Some people also find garlic and olive oil effective.

Lip swelling caused by herpes viruses is sometimes soothed by Manuka Honey. Some sufferers report relief of herpes blisters by carefully dabbing on sage or black tea. However, if the herpes infection is advanced, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor to avoid complications.If other symptoms occur in addition to lip swelling, a doctor should always be consulted.

The best way to reduce the swelling is to cool the lips immediately. After a few hours, cooling measures will no longer reduce the swelling, but will only relieve the pain. Warm compresses are advisable for further decongestation of the lips.

Dip a clean cloth or a clean washcloth into water that is so hot that it can just be touched. Of course, the comfort and burn limit should be considered. The hot compresses can be applied to the lips for about 10 minutes. This action can be repeated about every hour several times a day until the swelling has subsided.