Itching: What to Do?

Itching (pruritus) is a sensation of the skin to which one reacts by scratching or rubbing. The causes that can lie behind the unpleasant itching are varied: for example, itching can be caused by dry skin, an allergic reaction, and diseases of the skin or internal organs, among other things. In certain diseases, itching occurs all over the body. However, it can also be localized to certain parts of the body, such as the scalp or the intimate area. Read here what you can do against unpleasant itching.

Itching – Multiple causes

Itching is often triggered by excessively dry skin or by skin diseases such as hives, psoriasis or neurodermatitis. If a skin disease is the cause, changes in the skin usually occur in addition to itching. In addition, hypersensitivity to certain foods, medications, and insect bites can also trigger itching. In rare cases, itching can be a symptom of an internal disease – for example, it can be caused by diabetes, liver or kidney dysfunction, and leukemia. In such diseases, itching occurs without skin changes. However, this is also the case with so-called idiopathic itching, which has no identifiable cause. Often, psychological problems are then behind the complaints.

Dry skin as a cause

Dry skin not only feels rough and tight, but can also itch. Possible causes represent external factors such as dry indoor air or excessive hygiene. For example, certain care products can dry out the skin. In addition, it is also possible that internal causes, such as problems with oil and moisture regulation, lead to dry skin. If you have dry skin, you should avoid perfumed care products when washing and showering and instead prefer to use acid-neutral products. Also, apply creams to the skin regularly. Moisturizing lotions are best suited. Also make sure you drink enough fluids. Since dry skin and itching can also hide serious diseases, you should seek medical attention if these measures do not work.

Skin rash and itching

If itching occurs together with a skin rash, skin diseases such as hives, psoriasis or neurodermatitis are often behind the symptoms. While itchy wheals form in hives, psoriasis is characterized by reddened areas of skin whose uppermost skin layer is scaled white. Neurodermatitis is characterized by a red skin rash that feels rough and scaly. In addition to these three skin diseases, skin infections and the so-called nodular lichen can also be accompanied by a skin rash and itching. In the latter, blue-red nodules form that are about the size of a pin and itch intensely. The symptoms are particularly common on the wrists and lower leg. If children suffer from skin rash and itching, typical childhood diseases such as chickenpox may also be the cause.

Scabies as a cause

Scabies is a skin disease caused by mites. Scabies mites prefer to infest the areas between the fingers and toes, as well as the armpits and genital area. There they burrow into the upper corneal layer and thus have a relatively safe hiding place where they can even survive full baths. In addition to severe itching, scabies causes a red, nodular skin rash. With the help of a magnifying glass, it is often possible to see the tunnels that the mites have dug into the skin. In most cases, the disease can be treated well with the help of anti-mite medications, which are applied externally to the skin.

Allergy as a trigger

An allergic reaction of the body is often accompanied by itching. In the case of an allergy, the immune system reacts extremely to substances that are actually harmless and causes larger amounts of the messenger substance histamine to be released in the body. In the case of hay fever, for example, this causes the eyes and nose to itch. In addition to hay fever, itching can also be triggered by other types of allergy – including contact allergy. If the symptoms only occur locally on certain parts of the body, you should check whether a particular item of clothing – such as tights or a watch – could be the trigger.In addition, itching can also be caused by an allergy to certain foods or medications. If you suffer from itching for which there is no obvious cause, you should therefore always consider that an allergy could be the cause and have an allergy test performed.

Itching during pregnancy

Itching is a symptom that is common during pregnancy. It affects about 20 percent of all pregnant women. It is believed that in most cases the hormonal changes in the body are the trigger. The symptoms can often be alleviated by regular application of a moisturizing lotion. However, severe itching that occurs in the last third of pregnancy may indicate liver disease – so-called intrahepatic pregnancy cholestasis. Although this disease affects less than one percent of all pregnant women in Germany, it should nevertheless be ruled out in cases of severe itching. This is because the liver disease can result in both premature birth and stillbirth.

What to do about annoying itching?

If itching occurs together with a skin rash, you should consult a dermatologist and have the exact cause clarified. The doctor can also prescribe appropriate medication – if necessary. For example, ointments containing cortisone can help to relieve the itching. In the case of itching without a rash, you should first check whether your skin may be too dry. If this is not the case or if the symptoms do not become less despite careful skin care, a doctor must examine whether a disease is present. If this is the case, treatment will depend on the underlying disease. If it is idiopathic itching, antipruritic drugs can provide relief. Local anesthetics, which inhibit the transmission of stimuli between the nerve cells, are applied externally. Isoprenaline – an active ingredient from the group of betamimetics – as well as cooling ointments and gels with menthol or camphor can also help to relieve itching. If in doubt, talk to a doctor before using any of these remedies. If the itching occurs over a large area of the entire body, taking H1 receptor blockers, which inhibit the action of histamine in the body, may provide relief. Likewise, therapy with UVB rays has proven helpful in many patients. It is very important that you do not scratch the itchy areas even if the itching is severe. This is because scratching can not only leave unsightly scratch marks on the skin, but can also cause infections.