Itchy birthmark | Baby moles

Itchy birthmark

Moles, also called nevus in technical terminology, can also cause itching in some cases. Itchy moles are particularly common in babies and toddlers. This is difficult to detect in babies, as they cannot yet describe their problem, in this case itching.

Parents therefore often only see scratched spots on the skin. Itching is not one of the warning signs that indicate a possible malignant degeneration of the birthmark. Treatment with care creams can keep the skin moist and thus reduce itching.

Is a black birthmark dangerous?

The color of a birthmark is not the same as a criterion for the malignancy of a birthmark. Some babies tend to have very dark moles, which are not more dangerous than other moles. It is more relevant whether the coloration is uniform or whether there are different shades within a mole. Since the characteristics of malignancy are somewhat less easy to judge with dark moles, a screening every few years can give certainty.The dermatologist looks at the individual moles of the baby or child and examines them for signs of malignancy.

What are raised birthmarks?

Moles can be classified according to various criteria. These include the shape, coloration, limitation, size and also the sublimity. Some moles are on the same level as the rest of the skin and you can’t tell the difference when stroking them.

These moles are not raised. Raised moles are higher than the normal skin level and are easy to feel. Strongly raised moles can also be assessed as such immediately on sight.

The elevation does not allow a direct conclusion to be drawn about the possible malignancy of a birthmark. One form of raised birthmark is the connatal nevus, which is a raised birthmark that is already present at birth and in rare cases occupies an area of more than ten centimeters. The structure is usually soft and slightly knotty and, especially later, covered by strong black hair. Since the congenital nevus is known as a precursor for a malignant melanoma, it should be regularly checked by a dermatologist and in case of doubt treated.