Itchy eye | The human eye

Itchy eye

Itchy eyes can have various causes and usually occur in conjunction with other symptoms. Allergies can, for example, trigger itching in the area of the eye. The eye usually tears and is also swollen.

It is often accompanied by hay fever (e.g. pollen allergy), or the itching starts after the use of new cosmetics. The therapy consists of identifying the allergen, avoiding it or administering antiallergic drugs. In addition, inflammations of the conjunctiva or the edge of the eyelid can cause itching.

This can be accompanied by morning sticking eyes, pain, redness, swelling and purulent to watery secretions. In these cases, local antibiotics are usually used for treatment. Itchy eyes can also be triggered by chemical (e.g.

chlorine), mechanical (e.g. contact lenses), biological (e.g. insect bites near the eye) and physical (e.g. sunlight) stimuli or by overexertion. The itching usually disappears when the stimulus ceases. A doctor should be consulted if the eye itching persists for a longer period of time or if further symptoms occur.

Eye suppurating – What is behind it?

Pus occurs during an inflammation due to the destruction of tissue (autolysis) and the death of defence cells (neutrophil granulocytes). In most cases, an inflammation associated with pus is caused by bacteria. A common reason for suppurating eyes is conjunctivitis.

But inflammation of other parts of the eye, such as the iris (iriditis) or the cornea (keratitis) can also cause festering eyes. Barley (hordeolum) or hailstones (chalazion) also cause pus in the area of the eye. Displacement and inflammation of the drainage paths of tears can also cause pus to leak.

For example, an inflammation of the lacrimal ducts (canaliculitis) or the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis) causes pus to leak from the lacrimal point inside the eye. A bacterial inflammation is usually treated with antibiotics. If pus emerges from the eye, a doctor should always be consulted.

Photosensitive eye

Sensitivity to light (photophobia) manifests itself in an intolerance to light that is not yet perceived as particularly bright by other people. If people suffering from photophobia are exposed to light, they often get headaches or eye pain. Photophobia can have many different causes.

For example, inflammation of the conjunctiva in particular (conjunctivitis), but also inflammation and injury to the cornea or iris can lead to sensitivity to light. If the pupil is dilated (mydriasis), more light can fall into the eye, which leads to photophobia. Mydriasis is found, for example, when the eye is “dilated” by the doctor, or when there is a failure of nerves responsible for the contraction of the pupil (N. oculomotorius).

In glaucoma, the eye also reacts with sensitivity to light. Sensitivity to light is also frequently found in migraine attacks or irritation of the meninges. In very rare cases, photophobia can also be triggered by a tumour in the brain.

In addition, it also occurs in the context of infections such as measles. If the eyes are sensitive to light, they can be protected with sunglasses and should not be exposed to direct light. If you are very sensitive to light, you should consult a doctor, especially if other symptoms such as pain in the eye and head or redness and pus in the eye occur.