Itchy Scalp: This Helps!

Our scalp is very sensitive. Therefore, careful care is important to prevent complaints such as dandruff or an itchy scalp. If itching occurs, a too dry scalp is often the cause. In most cases, the skin dries out due to external causes such as showering too often and constant blow-drying of the hair. The wrong shampoo can also contribute to irritated skin. In some cases, however, there is also a disease behind a dry, itchy scalp.

Function of the scalp

The scalp is one of the most sensitive regions of our body. Nevertheless, it is often given too little attention. Then problems such as a dry skin or itching can occur. The hair also often suffers, as the health of the scalp affects the appearance of the hair. Just like the rest of our skin, the scalp consists of several layers. New cells are continuously formed in the deeper layers, while dead cells are shed on the surface of the skin. The skin contains hair roots, sebaceous and sweat glands, immune defense cells and nerves. Together, they perform functions such as fluid exchange, sensory perception and temperature regulation.

Problems with the scalp

If the processes taking place in the scalp are disrupted, localized discomfort may occur: The most common problems include dehydration, dandruff and itching. Triggers are often external influences such as sun, cold or hot blow-drying. However, diseases, hormonal changes, certain medications and the use of skin care products are also possible.

Four scalp types

Depending on the condition of the scalp, four different scalp types are generally distinguished:

  • Normal scalp: So much sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands that the hair does not become greasy, but the skin and hair remain supple. Fat and fluid balance are thus in balance.
  • Dry scalp: Too little sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands or the scalp is not supplied with sufficient nutrients. As a result, it lacks fat and moisture.
  • Oily scalp: The sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, resulting in greasy, stringy hair. Possible triggers are hormonal changes or stress.
  • Scaly scalp: Dandruff on the head can be associated with both a dry and an oily scalp. Again, stress and changes in hormonal balance are considered the main triggers.

Dry scalp

When the scalp itches, often too dry skin on the head is the trigger. Behind a too dry scalp can be various causes. Among other things, the following triggers come into question:

  • Sun
  • Salt water
  • Chlorinated water
  • A low humidity
  • Blow drying too hot

Similarly, the scalp can be stressed by mechanical irritation – for example, by wearing caps or helmets. Finally, a dry scalp can also be genetic.

What to do if you have a dry scalp?

If your scalp is dry and itchy, you should choose shampoos that are as gentle as possible. Ideal are products with moisturizing active ingredients that soothe the irritated scalp again. Products with herbal extracts and plant oils are also well suited. However, do not massage the shampoo too much into the scalp – otherwise it may cause further irritation. For a dry, itchy scalp, olive oil is often used to relieve itching. Simply put a few drops on the scalp and leave it on overnight. Then the next morning, wash it out with a mild shampoo. In addition, it is important not to shower too hot. The warm water initially relieves the itching, but it also extracts fat from the scalp, so that it becomes even more irritated in the long term.

Allergy as a possible cause

Behind an irritated, itchy scalp, however, can also be other causes. Often, the discomfort is caused by an allergic reaction to a certain care or styling product. Such an allergy can occur quite suddenly – even if you have used the product for years before. You can easily find out whether an allergy is behind your complaints by having an allergy test at your dermatologist.It is best to take the package of your product with you – this is the best way for the doctor to get an overview of the ingredients. Alternatively, you can first use another product – preferably without additives – and observe whether the itching subsides.

When the scalp flakes

If the scalp itches and white flakes trickle out of the hair when scratching, dandruff is present. Usually, these are caused by a scalp that is too dry or too oily. If the scalp is dry, the dead skin flakes tend to be small, whereas if the scalp is oily, very large flakes can form. The dandruff is formed because the renewal process of the skin is greatly accelerated. This leads to an increased formation of dandruff. Dandruff can be caused by various circumstances – among other things, stress, a warm and humid climate, an unhealthy diet and changes in hormone balance are considered triggers.

First aid for dandruff

Partly, the symptoms can be controlled with an anti-dandruff shampoo. Likewise, a mixture of nettle tea and apple cider vinegar (ratio 2:1) should be helpful. In case of dry scalp, a mild shampoo in combination with a care oil is recommended. If the complaints persist in the long term, however, you should always consult a doctor.

Seborrheic eczema

If, in addition to the itching, a rash also appears on the scalp, seborrheic eczema is often the cause. However, such eczema is not necessarily accompanied by itching. More typical are symptoms such as skin redness and blistering. The rash may also spread from the scalp to the face under certain circumstances. Exactly why seborrheic eczema occurs is still unknown. It is suspected that, in addition to a genetic predisposition, a weakened immune system also plays a role. In addition, climate and psyche can influence the occurrence of eczema. It is also suspected that a fungal infection can promote the outbreak. Seborrheic eczema should always be treated by a dermatologist – in addition to antifungal agents, cortisone preparations can also help to alleviate the symptoms in severe cases.

Itchy scalp: Other causes

In addition to a dry scalp, an allergic reaction, dandruff and seborrheic eczema, there may be other causes behind an itchy scalp:

  • One cause of itching on the head can be a fungal skin disease. In addition to itching, symptoms such as redness and blistering or scaling may then appear. In the case of a fungal infection, it is particularly important not to scratch the scalp, as the fungal spores can otherwise penetrate into deeper layers of the skin. Small injuries that can occur during scratching also increase the risk of secondary bacterial infection.
  • A strong itching is also typical of an infestation with parasites such as fleas, head lice or mites. Such infestation is particularly common in children, but can also affect adults. The parasites feed on human blood. To get at it, they inflict minute injuries on the scalp. This process causes the itching. If there is a parasite infestation, lice, mites and Co. can be removed by special care products and combs.

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