Jogging in Winter: 7 Hot Tips

Jogging is healthy, because it trains the cardiovascular system. In addition, a lot of calories are burned while running: So regular jogging is not only fun, but also slim over time. Running outdoors is possible all year round, whatever the weather. Nevertheless, you should follow a few rules when jogging in winter. We have compiled the seven most important tips for you.

1. good start

Even if it is much cozier indoors, regular exercise in the fresh air strengthens the body’s defenses. In low temperatures, shorter distances, but more frequent running is a good idea. A good warm-up is especially important. You can also do this indoors beforehand. You only need to avoid jogging altogether if the paths are slippery as glass. In addition, asthmatics should not practice outdoor endurance sports in very dry, cold air.

2. good protection

Breathable headgear is an essential part of winter jogging gear, as are gloves, because people lose 40 percent of body heat through their heads and hands. In addition, cold sweat on the forehead increases the risk of catching a cold. If the ground is very hard and frozen, lightly cushioned shoes are an advantage. Shoes with a reasonable tread are also recommended to prevent slipping on slush and snow.

3. good air

Proper breathing is of great importance, especially in winter. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. This way, the air warms up better and there is also no risk of too much cold air flowing into the bronchial tubes. A light scarf or turtleneck prevents sore throat or hoarseness.

4. good visibility

A pair of tight-fitting sunglasses should always be part of the package when there is snow. In cold winds, bright sunglasses will prevent jogging from becoming a watery affair for the eyes. In the dark you should pay attention to clothing with reflectors, also a small flashlight or headlamp can be helpful. More security bring sufficiently illuminated paths.

5. good packaging

Breathable, but windproof and rain-repellent clothing is important – preferably in the onion principle. Cotton clothing is less suitable, because it stores sweat and you cool down quickly. Don’t pack yourself too thickly. If you feel a little chilly in the first few minutes, that’s just fine.

6. good sip

Do not forget to drink before and after exercise. Even if the feeling of thirst is not so strong in winter and you think you sweat less, the body needs enough fluid – not least because of the dry air.

7. good conclusion

After running, you should immediately put on dry clothes or move the stretching exercises indoors. A hot shower or an extensive bath with mountain pine, eucalyptus or rosemary provides relaxation and loose muscles.

If you do suffer a muscle injury or sprain despite good preparation and follow-up, apply the PECH rule: P for rest, E for ice to cool, C for compression (elastic bandage) and H for elevation. Supportive measures may also include cooling, pain-relieving agents that promote a decrease in swelling, such as a pain gel.