Joint Effusion: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Joint effusion can affect various joints in the human body. The course of the disease depends mainly on the cause of the disease and individual response to therapeutic measures.

What is joint effusion?

Joint effusion (also known as hydrops articularis in medicine) is an accumulation of fluid in the joint. The fluids that are found in the joint area in a joint effusion can have a different composition, depending on the person affected and the symptoms. For example, a corresponding fluid can show a bloody or also a purulent consistency. The typical external symptoms that frequently accompany a joint effusion include swelling and/or redness of the affected joint. Due to the presence of swelling, the joint contours are often altered. If a joint affected by joint effusion is reddened or overheated, this indicates an acute inflammatory process. In many cases, a joint effusion is accompanied by localized pain, feelings of tension, and restricted movement.


Joint effusion can be caused by a variety of factors. Often, joint effusion is a symptom of existing degenerative diseases affecting the joint. Trauma (i.e., injuries resulting from external force), damage to the articular cartilage, overloading or improper loading of the joint, various joint infections, or inflammation of the synovium (also known as synovitis) can also result in joint effusion. In addition, various diseases, such as hemophilia (also known as hemophilia), gout (a joint disease that is caused, among other things, by an elevated uric acid level) or joint tumors, are among the possible causes of joint effusion. If an accumulation of fluid in the joint has a purulent consistency, the corresponding joint effusion is usually the result of an injury associated with an open wound. If a joint effusion accumulates blood in the joint, it is most often due to a blood clotting disorder or trauma.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Both general and specific symptoms occur with a joint effusion. For example, a joint effusion is usually noticeable by severe pain and swelling in the affected joints. The swellings are visible and also easily palpable. They cause tension in the skin over the joint. The contours in this area may change completely. If the knee is affected, the appearance of the floating kneecap may occur, with the kneecap changing position. Sometimes, fluid movement in the joint is also felt. Severe limitation of motion is another common symptom. During a joint effusion, an acute inflammation often develops, which is noticeable by redness and overheating of the swollen joint. This may also be accompanied by chills, fever and general malaise. However, the course of the inflammation also depends on the type of effusion. For example, synovial fluid may accumulate in the joint. But it can also involve bodily fluids that do not normally occur in the joint. These include blood or pus. If pus accumulates, dangerous infectious inflammation with severe fever and chills is possible. The treatment success of joint punctures always depends on the cause of the effusion. Although the pressure inside the joint always decreases with puncture, certain causes of disease may still worsen the symptoms.

Diagnosis and course

If a present joint effusion is suspected, a patient interview can usually help narrow down possible causes. For the purpose of a more precise diagnosis of the cause, various examination methods can subsequently be used:

In the course of a joint puncture, a small amount of accumulated fluid can be removed from the joint if joint effusion is present; the fluid obtained can now be examined by laboratory techniques. In order to take a closer look at joint structures affected by a joint effusion, it is also possible to use imaging techniques (such as X-rays or ultrasound).The course that a joint effusion takes depends primarily on the particular cause of the disease – for example, if a chronic (long-term) disease process (such as degenerative diseases or blood clotting disorders) is concealed behind a joint effusion, any symptoms that occur may steadily increase in some cases despite medical treatment.


The complications of joint effusion are relatively dependent on the affected region, which is why it is generally not possible to make a universal prediction. In most cases, however, there is pain and limitation of motion. The movement restrictions can lead to psychological discomfort and depression in many people, thus reducing the quality of life enormously. The joints swell strongly and feel warm or hot. In the affected areas, the skin is also reddened and may show pain at rest, which is predominant even without pressure. It is not uncommon for the permanent pain and swelling to cause sleep problems, which can lead to an aggressive attitude or irritability. In most cases, a joint effusion is treated causally, and the treatment usually shows a positive sale of the disease. No particular complications occur if the affected person does not put excessive strain on the joint in question and takes it easy. Likewise, the pain is treated with the help of painkillers, which, however, can damage the stomach in the long run. Life expectancy is not limited by a joint effusion.

When should you go to the doctor?

People who are affected by swelling joints can cool the joints without consulting a doctor. If the swelling occurs as a result of heavy physical exertion, the symptoms usually subside within a short time. After a sufficient period of rest, the patient is free of symptoms. If the swellings persist for several days or increase in size, a visit to the doctor is necessary. In case of sudden swellings after a fall or accident, a doctor should be consulted. If there is discoloration of the skin, pain or limitations in mobility, help is needed. If signs such as dizziness, a general feeling of malaise, or unsteadiness in gait occur, a physician should be consulted. Warmth or a feeling of heat immediately at the joints should be examined by a physician. If everyday tasks can no longer be performed as usual due to the symptoms, a visit to the doctor is required. If the physical strain is one-sided or the posture is incorrect, a doctor should be consulted, as permanent damage to health can develop. If behavioral problems, mood swings or a depressive demeanor occur as a result of the complaints, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Consult a medical professional before using painkilling medications. To avoid further complications, self-reliant use should not be undertaken.

Treatment and therapy

The medical treatment of a joint effusion depends, among other things, on factors such as the individual cause of the disease, the symptoms, and the localization of the affected joint. After a joint effusion has occurred, physicians usually recommend initially relieving or resting the affected joint; in addition, cooling and elevating the joint can have a positive effect on the symptoms. One possible treatment for joint effusion is joint puncture; the removal of accumulated fluid from the joint not only serves diagnostic purposes, but also usually leads to joint relief. Once normal intra-articular pressure has been restored in this way, the symptoms accompanying the joint effusion usually subside. Depending on the patient and the severity of the symptoms, repeated puncturing of the affected joint may be necessary during the course of treatment. If a joint effusion is accompanied by very severe pain, another possible therapeutic component is the administration of pain-relieving medication. An advanced course of treatment then usually integrates movement exercises to mobilize the joint that has been spared. Parallel to the treatment of the joint effusion, therapeutic measures are often taken to address the underlying disease/injury.

Outlook and prognosis

Joint effusion can have a very different course depending on the cause.If the swelling is caused by a comparatively harmless trigger such as a bruise, it subsides within a few days. In the case of a torn muscle fiber or ligament, the prognosis is worse. The patient must undergo surgery followed by physiotherapy to restore the mobility of the joint. Nevertheless, the affected person must live with limitations in mobility over the next weeks and months. The joint may also continue to hurt and be sensitive to external stimuli as well as changes in the weather. In principle, however, the prognosis for a joint effusion is very good. If the swelling is cooled immediately and then treated by a doctor, long-term consequences can usually be avoided. After a short time, the pain should already have disappeared, and the joint swelling itself slowly subsides. People who suffer a joint effusion due to a rheumatic disease have no prospect of complete recovery, as the effusion is merely a symptom that can recur again and again. Patients must receive permanent medical care and take medication throughout their lives to reduce any pain. In severe cases, rheumatoid arthritis patients rely on assistance with daily living.


Above all, joint effusion caused by chronic underlying diseases can only be prevented to a limited extent; preventive measures here consist primarily of consistent treatment of the underlying disease. Joint effusion caused by external force can be counteracted (for example, when playing risky sports) by wearing appropriate protective clothing.


Joint effusion does not always need to be treated by a doctor. In many cases, home remedies are also sufficient to treat it properly so that it does not lead to further complications or discomfort. First and foremost, the affected person must cool the effusion. The sooner it is cooled, the smaller it will become. The joint itself should be elevated to allow undisturbed blood circulation. Painkillers can also be taken to relieve the pain caused by this injury. Here, the affected person should take care not to take the painkillers together with alcohol, as this significantly reduces their effect. These should also be taken only after a doctor’s instructions. If the pain is very severe or the symptoms of the effusion do not disappear on their own, a doctor must be consulted in any case. In this case, surgical intervention may also be necessary to treat the injury. After this operation, the affected joint should not be subjected to any load, and strenuous activities or sporting activities should generally be avoided. The affected person’s life expectancy is not usually limited by a joint effusion.

Here’s what you can do yourself

A joint effusion requires in any case a medical clarification. What measures the affected person can take himself depends on the cause and the localization of the effusion. Relief and immobilization are recommended in any case. Initially, the affected joint should be cooled and elevated. After medical treatment, gradual mobilization can then take place. Recovery can sometimes be promoted by light physiotherapy and massage. The doctor will refer the patient to a specialist for this. To avoid complications, independent treatment measures that go beyond rest should be avoided. However, the symptoms can be alleviated by light home remedies. Green tea, cranberry juice or the anti-inflammatory kefir help against the pain. Swelling can be reduced by cooling or warm compresses, a salt bath or quark compresses. Various homeopathic remedies have also proven effective, such as globules with arnica or Bellis perennis, healing mud or Schüßler salts. Here, too, it is important to discuss the use of these remedies with the doctor beforehand in order to avoid problems. If the joint effusion has not subsided after one week at the latest, further medical clarification is required.