Kaposis Sarcoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

When the immune system is weakened, the risk of contracting the human herpes virus type 8, which is blamed for causing Kaposi’s sarcoma, a cancer characterized by brown to bluish spots and tumors on the skin and mucous membranes, increases.

What is Kaposi’s sarcoma?

In medicine, Kaposi’s sarcoma is referred to when a certain type of cancer occurs. This does not occur exclusively but frequently in people who also have AIDS. The cause of Kaposi’s sarcoma is thought to be the so-called human herpesvirus type 8, abbreviated as “HHV-8,” which, together with various cofactors, triggers the characteristics typical of Kaposi’s sarcoma. Women are affected much less frequently than men.


Kaposi’s sarcoma can only form when an affected person’s immune system is massively weakened. For this reason, Kaposi’s sarcoma occurs particularly frequently in people who have been infected with the HIV virus or in whom the immunodeficiency disease AIDS has already broken out due to an HIV infection, which has allowed them to become infected with the human herpes virus type 8. However, in addition to HIV or AIDS, other causes of Kaposi’s sarcoma are also conceivable. People who receive an organ transplant are treated with immunosuppressants so that their own immune system does not perceive the new organ as a foreign body and consequently rejects it. For this reason, Kaposi’s sarcomas often occur in transplant patients as well.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Depending on its cause, Kaposi’s sarcoma can cause different symptoms and symptoms. In the classic form, bright red, small patches develop on the skin and mucosa, and over time they turn a brownish-red to bluish color and develop into nodules. In the final stage, the nodules crust over, associated with severe itching. Ulcers can form from the nodules, which pose an increased risk of infection. Accordingly, severe infections and skin changes often occur in the course of the disease. If the nodules are not treated, scars may remain. Permanent sensitivity disorders and paralysis are also conceivable. The nodules can become the size of a pin or the palm of a hand and, in extreme cases, spread to the internal organs. As a result, life-threatening internal bleeding may develop. Spread to the internal organs can cause further symptoms, for example jaundice, liver disorders, inflammation and sepsis. If Kaposi’s sarcoma occurs in the context of HIV infection, the symptoms rapidly increase in intensity and cause the affected person to feel very unwell. The nodules are accompanied by general symptoms such as fever, fatigue and tiredness. In most cases, Kaposi’s sarcoma takes a severe course and significantly limits the quality of life of the affected person.

Diagnosis and course

The diagnosis can be made by the clinical picture, that is, by visual characteristics, that is, by the visible abnormalities typical of Kaposi’s sarcoma. These are brownish-red to bluish spots that form on the skin and can range in size from a pinhead to a palm. A histological specimen may also be used to confirm the diagnosis. This is a tissue sample taken from the patient that is then examined under a microscope. In order to distinguish whether Kaposi’s sarcoma is the classic form or the form that occurs in dependence on the HIV virus, blood tests are also carried out to determine whether the patient is infected with HIV. As the disease progresses, the spots develop into painful nodules and ulcers. The mucous membranes in the mouth, intestines or genital area are particularly affected. In AIDS patients, spots often appear in high concentrations on the arms and legs. Without appropriate treatment measures, the spots and tumors continue to spread. Metastases often occur in the lymph nodes but also in other organs. In patients who are not infected with the HI virus, there may also be direct infestation of the lymphatic vessels, from where the disease then spreads to the internal organs. In transplant patients, on the other hand, Kaposi’s sarcoma does not show any external abnormalities. Instead, the internal organs are directly affected.


Kaposi’s sarcoma usually results in the formation of a tumor. For this reason, the usual symptoms of a tumor disease occur in this disease. In the worst case, this can also lead to the death of the patient. Those affected suffer primarily from spots and nodules on the skin. These can be blue or purple in color and not infrequently lead to reduced self-esteem or inferiority complexes. Similarly, there are various complaints in the stomach and intestines, and most patients also suffer from water retention. It is not uncommon for bleeding to occur on the skin, which cannot be stopped easily. The tumor can also spread to other regions of the body and affect healthy tissue there. This may reduce the patient’s life expectancy. Treatment is usually carried out with the help of medication and surgical interventions. Complications may arise if the patient’s immune system is already weakened by another disease. In some circumstances, the affected person’s life expectancy may then be reduced by Kaposi’s sarcoma.

When should you see a doctor?

When the typical symptoms of Kaposi’s syndrome are noticed, a doctor should be consulted the same day. Warning signs such as skin changes or gastrointestinal symptoms require prompt evaluation by a medical professional to avoid complications. If the spots have already developed into ulcers or nodules, the affected person must consult a doctor immediately. Patients who suffer from the above-mentioned complaints in connection with a disease of the immune system are best advised to inform the responsible medical practitioner. HIV and AIDS patients also belong to the risk groups and should have the warning signs clarified immediately. If a Karposi syndrome is not recognized, serious complications can develop. In the worst case, metastases spread to other organs. Therefore, Karposi syndrome must be diagnosed and treated quickly. Individuals who notice signs of disease should see their primary care physician. Other contacts are the dermatologist or an internist. Patients in whom the symptoms occur in conjunction with another disease should talk to the physician in charge.

Treatment and therapy

Because Kaposi’s sarcoma often occurs in patients whose immune systems are already severely weakened, treatment of Kaposi’s sarcoma must include measures that do not further weaken the immune system. For this reason, the so-called antiviral combination therapy, which is also used to treat the HI virus, is usually used to treat Kaposi’s sarcoma in HIV and AIDS patients. Here, patients are given three different antiretroviral drugs, also abbreviated as ARV. The antiretroviral agents cause the symptoms of Kaposi’s sarcoma to continuously recede. Care must also be taken in transplant patients to avoid further weakening of the immune system. Often, a change in immunosuppressive drugs leads to a regression of Kaposi’s sarcoma. In addition, depending on the patient, other therapy methods are often used to treat Kaposi’s sarcoma. Locally, laser or radiation treatments as well as excisions or other physical therapies may also help in the early stages. In some cases, successful treatment of Kaposi’s sarcoma also requires the use of chemotherapy.

Outlook and prognosis

In Kaposi’s sarcoma, the affected person can support medical treatment with a variety of self-performed measures. The priority here is to relieve the weakened immune system and to weaken the effect of symptoms. To this end, it is important first and foremost to avoid physically strenuous activities and rather to ensure rest or possibly even bed rest. Avoidance of any stress is also absolutely essential, as this would additionally weaken the body and also the immune system. On the other hand, a change in diet in consultation with the attending physician and a nutritionist is helpful. It not only supports the immune system, but also has a preventive effect against symptoms such as water retention and can provide relief in a simple way. Depending on the individual symptoms, further measures can be taken.For example, various homeopathic ointments with ingredients such as calendula, belladonna, arnica or chamomile, which can be applied in consultation with the treating physician, can help with skin changes. Regular respiratory training can help to prevent further cyanosis and thus an undersupply of oxygen. Depending on medical advice, this can be done with or without a breathing trainer from the medical supply store and helps to breathe sufficiently deeply and calmly. It also has a stress-reducing, anxiety-relieving and relaxing effect on the body, allowing it to regenerate more quickly.


As a preventive measure against the classic form of Kaposi’s sarcoma, preventive vaccination against oncogenic viruses, which include human herpesvirus type 8, is recommended.


In most cases, patients with Kaposi’s sarcoma do not have any special or direct options for follow-up care, so those affected by this disease are primarily dependent on rapid diagnosis and also rapid treatment. The earlier Kaposi’s sarcoma is detected and treated, the better the further course of the disease usually is. In most cases, Kaposi’s sarcoma is treated by taking medication. Those affected are dependent on taking the medication regularly and also on the correct dosage in order to alleviate the symptoms properly and, above all, permanently. In the case of children, parents must monitor the correct dosage. Furthermore, most patients depend on the help and support of family and friends, which can also prevent psychological upsets or depression. In case of chemotherapy, loving conversations with the close friends or with one’s own family also have a positive effect on the course of Kaposi’s sarcoma. Possibly, this disease can lead to a reduced life expectancy of the affected person if Kaposi’s sarcoma is detected late.

What you can do yourself

If Kaposi’s syndrome has been diagnosed, medical treatment is definitely needed. The affected person can support the medical therapy with a number of self-help measures and remedies from the household and nature. First and foremost, a change in lifestyle is important. The already weakened immune system must not be put under further strain, which is why strenuous physical activities should be avoided. A healthy and balanced diet strengthens the immune system and can prevent individual symptoms, such as water retention or skin bleeding. Avoiding stress is also important. If Kaposi’s syndrome occurs after a transplant, the instructions of the responsible physician must be followed. Basically, rest and bed rest are indicated, supported by regular check-ups by a physician. Further self-help measures depend on the symptoms. For example, cyanosis may be prevented by respiratory training. Ointments and creams from homeopathy, such as calendula ointment or preparations with chamomile, belladonna or arnica, are helpful against skin changes. If these measures show no effects, the doctor must be consulted. In addition, to prevent a new outbreak of Kaposi’s syndrome, vaccination against oncogenic viruses should be given.