KiDD Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

KiDD syndrome represents the sequelae of untreated kiss syndrome. In KiDD syndrome, dysfunction of the upper cervical joints occurs, which subsequently affects the organism. Since such disorders do not “grow out”, it is therefore important to seek early treatment. However, the KiDD syndrome always causes discussions; numerous experts and doctors are of the opinion that there is again the Kiss, nor the KiDD syndrome.

What is the KiDD syndrome?

KiDD syndrome (upper cervical – induced – dyspraxia/dysgnosia) is a sequelae of the so-called Kiss syndrome. In this case, a dysgnosia (perception disorder) and a dyspraxia (learned movements cannot be executed) are present. Physicians also repeatedly speak of upper cervical dysfunction (KiD). KiDD syndrome is a wide-ranging clinical picture that is noticeable in that those affected have to contend with cognitive disorders and also abnormalities in their movements. However, whether KiDD syndrome actually exists as a disease has not yet been clarified. Many medical professionals believe that KiDD syndrome is not an actual disease. An official diagnosis, based on the ICD-10, does not exist. This is because there is no pathophysiological explanation for the clinical picture so far. Finally, dyspraxia only describes a comprehensive developmental disorder, which is responsible for the disturbance in the movement processes. Dysgnosia merely circumscribes the inability to reproduce information that has already been learned.


Severe coordination, developmental, and cognitive disorders that are not due to pathological conditions and occur in infancy or toddlerhood are usually assigned to the clinical picture known as KiDD syndrome. Above all, this term appears again and again in alternative medicine. That group is convinced that the clinical picture KiDD syndrome exists. So far, however, there is no scientific proof, so that the KiDD syndrome has neither been recorded pathophysiologically, let alone molecular biological or genetic causes have been discovered, which suggest such a syndrome. The so-called diagnosis is merely supported by a variety of disorders. KiDD syndrome is also seen as a sequelae of untreated Kiss syndrome; again, there is no actual evidence that this is indeed the case. The so-called Kiss syndrome is also controversial in medical circles. However, affected children suffering from KiDD syndrome are convinced that it is definitely a separate clinical picture. However, they receive support only from alternative physicians.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

If the child suffers from the following symptoms, the medical profession speaks of KiDD syndrome: headaches, back pain or knee pain, migraines or even “growing pains“, poor posture, poor posture. Restrictions in movement, coordination difficulties and motor deficits are also all factors that can be the first signs of KiDD syndrome. Sometimes there are concentration and learning disorders, which occur mainly at school. Perceptual disorder, impaired social integration, emotional disorders and hyperactivity are also possible. Furthermore, the children are insecure in their spatial orientation, suffer from fear of heights and have sleep disorders, with nocturnal urination also not uncommon. Orthodontic problems, such as crossbite, malocclusion or overbite, and mouth breathing are also possible. Subsequently, symptoms indicative of KiDD syndrome can have tremendous late effects on adulthood as well: For example, adults suffer from chronic back pain, cervical spine problems, migraines, have balance and movement disorders, and often suffer from ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and herniated discs.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

To date, there is no official diagnosis. This means that – at least on the part of medical professionals – there is no KiDD syndrome. Predominantly, therapists and physicians who belong to the “European workgroup for manual medicine” (EWMM) speak of KiDD syndrome. Even though, according to the EWMM, there are several proofs that it is an actual clinical picture, many experts are critical. Time and again, requests to accept KiDD syndrome as an actual disease are rejected.The Society of Neuropediatrics has declared the complex of topics to be untenable, speculative and sweeping. Also in the specialties of manual medicine there are critical voices again and again. For example, the “Physicians’ Society for Legacy Therapy and Manual Treatment of Children” (ÄGAMK) has decided not to speak of the Kiss or KiDD syndrome, but of the tonus asymmetry syndrome (TAS).


Due to KiDD syndrome, the patient experiences significant difficulties and discomfort in daily life. Most affected individuals suffer from severe pain in various regions of the body. It is not uncommon for this to result in headaches, which can lead to concentration problems or sleep disturbances. Pain from the back can also spread to other regions and cause discomfort there. In general, KiDD syndrome causes coordination difficulties and often movement restrictions. Most affected individuals suffer from a fear of heights and anxiety or hyperactivity. Likewise, a perceptual disorder can occur, which leads to delayed development, especially in children. The quality of life of the affected person is considerably limited and reduced by the KiDD syndrome. Furthermore, various malformations may occur. These malformations can lead to bullying or teasing, especially in children. A causal treatment of KiDD syndrome is not possible. The individual complaints can possibly be treated with the help of therapies. Not infrequently, however, psychological therapy is also necessary, in which the parents or relatives also participate.

When should one go to the doctor?

Parents who notice symptoms in their child, such as headaches, migraines, back pain, knee pain, or poor posture, should call the pediatrician immediately. The same applies if perceptual disturbances, emotional problems or vegetative disturbances, for example, sleep disturbances or nocturnal urination, occur. If the child shows further signs of KiDD syndrome, it is best to consult the pediatrician on the same day. Orthodontic problems require treatment by an orthodontist. This should be accompanied by a therapist. Psychological support should be started early in childhood. Parents of affected children should also seek therapeutic counseling and also exchange information with other affected parents. A comprehensive knowledge of the disease makes it much easier to deal with the child. In addition, parents learn how to deal with the stress associated with raising a child who has Kidd syndrome. KiDD syndrome needs to be treated by a general practitioner or an alternative medicine practitioner and various specialists depending on the symptoms.

Treatment and therapy

Due to the fact that the symptoms – depending on the affected person – are different, the therapy must be adapted individually. Predominantly, the therapy is composed of occupational therapy and physiotherapy measures. In this way, it is possible to reduce incorrect posture and coordination disorders. Patients are helped to improve their balance during such exercises. Sometimes, however, the focus is on prevention, so that various complaints – such as problems with the cervical spine – do not arise in adulthood. Pharmacological treatments are possible, but should only be used when needed. For example, learning and attention disorders and depressive episodes, which are possible in the further course of the disease, can be prevented or improved. Whether and to what extent such treatment is actually necessary is decided by the attending physician. Painkillers are not recommended. Psychological therapy, mainly by a child psychologist, is advisable. Parents of children suffering from KiDD syndrome should mainly turn to alternative physicians.

Outlook and prognosis

It is very difficult to make a prognosis in KiDD syndrome. Depending on the expert’s opinion, a diagnosis takes place, which is not always congruent with the results and views of science and medical professionals. For this reason, the treatment of the affected person as well as the prospect of alleviating the symptoms turns out to be extremely difficult. Through the use of various treatment methods, many sufferers report an alleviation of the existing symptoms.Since the syndrome is characterized by a multitude of disorders, there is nevertheless no talk of recovery or cure. The improvement of the quality of life due to the impairments is decisively in the foreground. Those affected and their relatives can ultimately only report individually whether positive changes are apparent. The therapy options used are extensive and are determined according to the discretion of the alternative physician as well as the relatives. Often a change of different methods takes place depending on current findings. Poor posture and coordination disorders are treated by physiotherapeutic approaches in most patients. If the exercises start early in the life of the patient, long-term positive developments are often documented. In some cases, surgical interventions are performed. These are always associated with risks and side effects. If no further complications occur, patients often report an optimization of movement possibilities.


Preventive measures are, due to the fact that so far there is neither a known cause, sometimes even the doctors are unsure whether KiDD syndrome is a disease at all, unknown. It is important to note that – even if orthodox physicians do not consider KiDD syndrome to be a disease – various measures are nevertheless taken to improve symptoms.


As a rule, no special measures and options for aftercare are available to the person affected by KiDD syndrome, so that in the first instance a doctor should be consulted at a very early stage in the case of this disease. An early diagnosis usually has a very positive effect on the further course of the disease and can also prevent further complications or other complaints. The sooner a doctor is consulted, the better the further course of the disease, so that ideally the person affected should contact a doctor at the first signs and symptoms of the disease. Sufferers of KiDD syndrome usually rely on the measures of physiotherapy and physical therapy. Many of the exercises can sometimes be performed in the patient’s own home, which may speed healing somewhat. Likewise, the permanent support and care of the affected person by their own parents and by other relatives is very important. Intensive and loving conversations are also necessary here, as this can prevent psychological complaints and other depressions. In most cases, KiDD syndrome does not reduce the life expectancy of the affected person. Contact with other patients of KiDD syndrome can also be very useful, as this often leads to an exchange of information.

This is what you can do yourself

As a congenital disease, KiDD syndrome has no cure. However, it is accompanied by symptoms that can be counteracted in everyday life in the form of self-help. For example, patients are often affected by headaches. A cool environment, well-ventilated rooms and darkness can provide relief. In addition, KiDD syndrome is often accompanied by movement restrictions. Accordingly, routine movement exercises are important. In addition to maintaining motor skills, exercise can also have a positive effect on the psyche and psychosomatic symptoms that often accompany chronic illnesses. Concentration exercises are also part of the everyday help for those affected. In the course of the disease, the ability to concentrate diminishes. The exercises help patients to concentrate and orient themselves in everyday life. KiDD syndrome primarily affects the patient’s psyche. For relatives and friends, the focus in everyday assistance should therefore be on motivation and stabilization of the personality. Above all, social connections should be maintained, as those affected tend to isolate themselves. Finally, dietary changes are part of the therapy. These can be integrated into everyday life. Depending on the symptoms, caffeine should be avoided, for example. A balanced diet is also important in other respects.