Kidney Abscess: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A kidney abscess is an encapsulated collection of pus in kidney tissue. Kidney abscesses can develop for a variety of reasons and usually require hospital treatment.

What is a kidney abscess?

When pus accumulates and encapsulates in kidney tissue, it is called a kidney abscess. The symptoms of such, bacterial inflammation are serious, patients suffer from severe kidney pain, fever and excretory disorders. The main pain occurs in the flank, on the side of the affected kidney. Kidney function is not affected by the abscess, but immediate treatment is still necessary because of the risk of blood poisoning. Kidney abscesses can occur singly or in groups. If several abscesses join together to form a large focus of pus, it is referred to as a carbuncle. The collection of pus can settle in different areas of the kidney, and sometimes only the renal cortex is affected.


There are several causes that can lead to the development of a renal abscess. Often, the accumulation of pus occurs because of a previous urinary tract infection. The bacteria ascend through the urinary tract to the kidney, where they cause the collection of pus. Skin diseases are also possible triggers for kidney abscess; the bacteria are transported via the bloodstream to the kidney and encapsulate there. An abscess triggered by skin diseases is usually not located directly in the kidney, but settles in the accessory cortex. Patients who suffer from kidney stones are generally at higher risk of developing a kidney abscess, so regular monitoring should be performed for known kidney stones.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

A kidney abscess usually manifests itself through clear symptoms and complaints. Initially, the growth causes general symptoms such as fever, chills and fatigue. This is accompanied by severe headaches, which are usually described by those affected as dull to throbbing. A kidney abscess can also cause bladder problems. Then there is a stabbing pain or blood deposits in the urine. Often, the urine is also milky-white or unusually transparent. As the disease progresses, serious symptoms develop, such as pain in the kidneys or urinary retention. The fever becomes more severe as it progresses and is often associated with sweating, insomnia and severe fatigue. Rapid treatment of the abscess can quickly alleviate the symptoms described. Normally, patients are symptom-free after only a few days. Only the kidney pain may persist for several weeks to months, depending on the cause. In the case of larger abscesses, kidney damage can remain, which permanently restricts the affected person in everyday life. If the kidney abscess is not treated in time, the bacteria can enter the blood and cause sepsis. In the worst case, this can lead to a circulatory collapse and thus to the death of the sufferer.

Diagnosis and course

The first contact with the doctor is usually made because of the violent symptoms. Characteristic of a kidney abscess is severe pain in the affected flank. The physician first obtains an overview by talking to the patient and will then perform an ultrasound examination as an imaging procedure. Parallel to this, an examination of blood and urine is performed to find out the inflammation levels. Symptoms are usually very acute and steadily worsen. Fever, headache, flank pain and chills are clear signs of a kidney abscess and require immediate treatment. If left untreated, a kidney abscess can, in the worst case, lead to blood poisoning and thus be fatal. With timely treatment, symptoms improve within a few days.


An abscess on the kidneys may well cause various complications, which as a rule should always be treated by an appropriate physician. If you do not seek treatment, you put yourself at great risk. An abscess is a cavity filled with pus fluid. In most cases, such an abscess is caused by an existing inflammation, so that the formation of pus can also increase significantly afterwards.If this clinical picture remains without any treatment, further complications are pre-programmed. An abscess on the kidneys is often accompanied by severe and stabbing headaches. Increased temperature and nausea are also common complications that can occur in connection with a kidney abscess. If you decide to seek medical treatment at this point, you are definitely making the right decision. An abscess on the kidneys must definitely be treated medically or with medication. Otherwise, it can even lead to dangerous blood poisoning, which in the worst case can even lead to death. The following therefore applies: In the event of an abscess on the kidneys, a visit to the doctor is unavoidable. Only with appropriate treatment can complications and further discomfort be avoided.

When should you go to the doctor?

Complaints such as fever, headache or a general feeling of illness should be clarified by a doctor. If stabbing pain in the area of the kidneys as well as milky-white urine are added, this indicates a disease of the kidneys. A physician must determine whether this is a kidney abscess or another disease and take further steps depending on the findings. Medical advice is required if the symptoms described persist for more than a few days or rapidly increase in intensity. A kidney abscess must be treated in any case to avoid complications such as sepsis and circulatory shock. In the worst case, a kidney abscess leads to the death of the sufferer. People suffering from urinary tract infections or kidney stones are particularly at risk. People with chronic skin diseases also belong to the risk groups and should definitely go to the doctor with the aforementioned complaints. In addition to the family doctor, the nephrologist or another internist can be consulted. In acute cases, an immediate visit to the hospital is indicated.

Treatment and therapy

A kidney abscess is initially treated with antibiotics to contain the focus of inflammation as quickly as possible. Patients are admitted to the hospital as an inpatient to notice any worsening of symptoms in time. A broad-spectrum antibiotic is usually administered, which begins to have an effect within the first three days. An initiated antibiotic therapy must be given over a period of at least 14 days. This is to prevent a new abscess from forming from a residual stock of bacteria. Depending on the extent of the suppuration, the pus must be drained in the course of a nephrostomy. Under local anesthesia, a catheter is inserted through the skin into the kidney tissue and the pus is drained. An immediate improvement of the symptoms and especially of the pain is the result of this treatment. In many patients, new abscesses or carbuncles repeatedly form. In this case, removal of the affected kidney may be useful to protect the body from further inflammation. The removal of one kidney is not detrimental to the patient, as long as the other kidney is symptom-free and fully functional. The ongoing stress on the body caused by kidney abscesses poses significantly more risks to the patient than living with only one kidney.

Outlook and prognosis

For a good prognosis, medical care is necessary for a kidney abscess. Normally, hospitalization becomes necessary because there is a threat to life under unfavorable circumstances. Without medical treatment, the affected person risks blood poisoning and thus premature sudden death. A visit to the doctor is advisable as soon as the first symptoms appear, so that a diagnosis can be made as quickly as possible. In a very early stage of the disease, drug treatment is usually sufficient. In this treatment, the pathogens are prevented from spreading further and are killed at the same time. The dead germs are then removed and excreted by the organism on its own. Within a few days there is already a clear improvement in health and after a few weeks freedom from symptoms is possible. During an inpatient stay, the extent to which pus accumulations have formed is checked. Often, the stay is a precautionary measure so that immediate action can be taken if health deteriorates. In some patients, surgical intervention is necessary so that the pus is completely removed from the organism.Even with this approach, recovery is possible within a few weeks under normal conditions. If kidney damage is already present, the prognosis worsens. Complications of renal activity may occur, affecting the further course and possible recovery.


To prevent a kidney abscess, some rules of conduct should be followed as a matter of principle. Since a common trigger for an abscess is a urinary tract infection, this should be avoided if possible. Sufficient daily drinking can prevent the development of a bladder infection. Avoiding intimate sprays or soaps that contain strong perfumes can also prevent bacteria from forming in the urinary tract. Chills are often the trigger for diseases in the urinary tract and kidneys, so they should be avoided at all costs.


Follow-up care for a kidney abscess includes regular checkups. The doctor draws blood and examines the kidney using imaging techniques such as ultrasound or CT. In addition, drug treatment must be readjusted or completed. The number of medical check-ups can be gradually reduced. The interval depends on the individual course of the disease. Follow-up care is performed by an internist or nephrologist. This is accompanied by causal treatment, which is initiated during the follow-up. The aftercare of a kidney abscess also includes a patient consultation. Here, the physician will inquire about any complaints such as kidney pain or pressure sensations and suggest suitable countermeasures. After a surgical procedure, the surgical wound must be checked. If symptoms persist or the abscess recurs, treatment must be resumed. Since a kidney abscess is a painful condition, pain management must usually be continued beyond the actual treatment. The details of the follow-up measures required must be discussed with the general practitioner or nephrologist in charge. The patient should watch for unusual symptoms and inform the physician.

What you can do yourself

With a kidney abscess, the patient has few options for self-treatment. Medical care is necessary to prevent serious or life-threatening situations from occurring. In support of medical treatment, the body should be given sufficient rest and relief. Sports activities or physically strenuous activities should be completely avoided. Light compensatory movements to prevent muscular complaints can be performed, but they should be adapted to the needs of the organism. It is advisable to ensure adequate daily fluid intake. The recommended minimum amount is 2 liters per day. In addition, a healthy and balanced diet helps to support the immune system. Stays in fresh air and with sufficient oxygen also stabilize the body’s immune system. The consumption of alcohol should be avoided. Likewise, the body should not be supplied with harmful substances such as nicotine or drugs. This worsens the general state of health and triggers complications. Medicinal plants or drinking kidney teas can be used in self-help. Care products, detergents or soaps for the kidney area or intimate area should be ph-neutral and fragrance-free. The patient should adequately protect himself from exposure to cold or drafts. Sitz baths and warm clothing help and promote the recovery process. At night, adequate protection of the kidney from cold should be ensured.