Kidney Stones (Nephrolithiasis): Metaphylaxis in Ammonium Urate Stones

Therapeutic target

Prevention of stone recurrence (recurrence of urinary stones).

Therapy recommendations

Note: The formation optimum of ammonium urate stones tends to be in the neutral range (pH > 6.5), in contrast to uric acid stones.

Reduction of risk factors

  • Behavioral risk factors
    • Dehydration (dehydration of the body due to fluid loss or lack of fluid intake).
    • Malnutrition (malnutrition)
  • Disease-related risk factors
    • Chronic diarrhea (diarrhea)
    • Malabsorption syndromes (diseases caused by impaired absorption of substrates from the intestine).
    • Urinary tract infections
  • Medication
    • Laxative abuse (misuse of laxatives) with concomitant hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis

Nutritional therapy

  • Fluid intake 2.5-3 l / day

Agents or measures of metaphylaxis.

  • Complete removal of the infectious stone mass from the hollow system (if present).
  • Treatment of the urinary tract infection with a tested antibiotic (resistogram!).
  • L-methionine or ammonium chloride for urine acidification (setting an acid urine pH between 5.8-6.2).
  • Hyperuricosuria (increased excretion of uric acid with the urine) is treated with allopurinol (drug for the treatment of chronic gout).