Kinesiotaping for tennis elbow | Taping of a tennis elbow

Kinesiotaping for tennis elbow

The effect of kinesiotaping on the healing process of tennis elbow has not yet been scientifically proven, but many testimonials from former patients speak for an improvement of the pain and an acceleration of the healing process. Kinesiotaping of tennis elbow is used to treat the affected extensor muscles of the forearm and fingers. Before the tape bandage is applied, strong arm hair should be shortened if necessary in order to improve the adhesion of the tape and prevent severe pain when it comes off.

It is also advisable to clean the forearm thoroughly, as this also improves the adhesion of the tape. To apply the tape, the elbow joint is stretched while the palm of the hand is pointing towards the floor. Now a flexion of the wrist is performed by bending the wrist.

The patient can now see parts of his palm. Then, a first tape is applied about two to three centimeters above the wrist and stuck to the forearm along the forearm extensor muscle, which can be felt well with the hand. The tape ends about five to seven centimeters above the elbow joint on the outside of the upper arm.

In the area of the elbow joint, there should be a stronger pull over the region with the most pain than over the rest of the forearm. A second, shorter tape is then applied to the outside of the elbow. It should pull diagonally upwards over the region with the greatest pain and end on the inside of the upper arm.

The region of greatest pain in tennis elbow is the inflamed, overstrained and irritated starting point of the tendons of the forearm extensor muscles on the outside of the elbow. The stronger pull over this region causes a lot of movements of the skin against the underlying layers, which promotes blood circulation and lymph drainage to a great extent and contributes to a quick relief of pain. There are different ways in which a kinesiotape can be applied to treat tennis elbow. A therapist or doctor experienced in kinesiotaping can identify and apply the best variant for each patient.