Klinefelter Syndrome: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate Klinefelter syndrome:

Leading symptoms

  • Delayed development of secondary sexual characteristics (beard growth and secondary sexual hair are sparse) and puberty.
  • Gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary gland; up to one third of cases).
  • Small, firm (hardened) testicles (volume: 2-3 ml).
  • Small penis
  • Primary infertility in the 47,XXY karyotype: 90% of cases have azoospermia (absence of sperm cells in semen)
  • Subfertility in mosaic forms: Oligospermia (less than 15 million sperm per ml of ejaculate).
  • Tall stature (increased growth of long tubular bones/”eunuchoid tall stature” due to delayed epiphyseal closure/conversion of cartilaginous to bony substance) with large hands/feet but small head.
  • Minor mental developmental delay (4% of cases; Lernschwierigkeien about 75% of cases).
  • In adulthood, increasing overweight, which is mainly on the trunk shows (so-called Stammadipositas).
  • Decrease in libido and potency (70% of patients from the age of 25).
  • Lumbago and other musculoskeletal complaints as a result of developing osteopenia (reduction in bone density) and osteoporosis (bone loss).

Attention. Based on medical registries in Denmark, it is believed that only 25% of all patients with Klinefelter syndrome are diagnosed.