Knee Joint Effusion: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate knee joint effusion:

Leading symptoms

  • Joint swelling (swelling; lat. tumor).
  • Arthralgia (pain in the affected joint) (pain; lat. dolor).
  • Phenomenon of “dancing patella “Examination procedure: patient lies on a couch; the Recessus suprapatellaris (bursa in the area of the knee joint) is smoothed out, then the dancing patella (kneecap) can be detected when pressing the kneecap. The examiner feels the swimming of the patella in the effusion fluid (= positive ballottement).
  • Painful restriction of movement (restricted function; lat. functio laesa).
  • In the case of inflammation additionally redness (lat. rubor) and overheating (lat. calor).