Knee Pain (Gonalgia): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) is an important component in the diagnosis of gonalgia (knee pain).

Family history

  • Are there any diseases of bones/joints in your family that are common?
  • When and where were you last on vacation?

Social history

  • What is your profession?
  • Do you do any heavy physical work in your profession? (Lifting and carrying heavy loads?)

Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).

  • Where is the pain localized?
  • When did the pain occur?
  • Where did the pain occur? (in the case of injuries, please give a detailed description of how the injury occurred).
  • Was the onset of pain slow or sudden?
  • Did the pain increase in intensity?
  • Do you have start-up pain: start-up pain is expressed when a joint begins to be active.
  • Do you have day and also night pain?
  • Do you have rest or exertion pain?
  • Do you have pain behind the kneecap that is most noticeable when walking down stairs or hills, and when standing up after sitting for long periods with the knee joint bent?
  • Do you have a feeling of tension when stretching, which may appear as a feeling of pressure in the back of the knee?
  • Are there functional limitations of the knee joint?
  • Do you have the feeling of instability with sudden bending away in the knee joint? If so. Do you have stabbing pain in the process?
  • Do you have pain in any other joints? If yes. Are the joints affected symmetrically and is there a slow, gradual progression?
  • Have you noticed any other complaints such as fever or fatigue?

Vegetative anamnesis incl. nutritional anamnesis.

  • Do you participate in competitive sports? If so, which sport do you favor?
  • Are you overweight? Please tell us your body weight (in kg) and height (in cm).

Self anamnesis incl. medication anamnesis