Lack of Concentration: 11 Tips and Exercises

Whether in the office, at school or at home – in the everyday life of modern people, similar situations occur almost everywhere: The list of pending tasks and tasks to be processed becomes longer and longer, while concentration and performance seem to decrease to the same extent. It is easier to concentrate on the growing feeling of helplessness and being overwhelmed in the face of tasks than on individual tasks. We give you tips on what helps with poor concentration and provide you with simple exercises you can do to improve your concentration.

Lack of concentration: stress management is important

You can learn to manage stress without sacrificing your zest for life, your performance and your ability to concentrate. A harmonious environment, fresh air, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep are good prerequisites for this. But often this is not enough. When your resilience reaches its limits and a feeling of being overwhelmed, unwillingness and exhaustion threatens to overwhelm you, concentration exercises can help.

Concentration exercises do you good

Exercises to increase your ability to concentrate really get your energy flow going again. They relieve tension and tension, invigorate the circulation and promote blood flow. Anger and stress can be shaken off, new strength and energy are gained. Performed regularly, these exercises can prevent concentration problems.

Cross over exercises for concentration

Cross-over exercises promote the interaction of the two hemispheres of the brain, increase receptivity and performance. Don’t be discouraged if these exercises initially require you to think while you do them. This is a sign that the interaction of your left and right brain hemispheres is blocked due to stress. You will see that you can quickly automate the movement sequences, a sign that the blockage has been released. If you then continue to do the exercises regularly, you can avoid future blockages.

  • Cross-over exercise 1: Stand up straight. Raise your right knee and touch your left elbow to this knee. As you do this, swing your right arm back. Then stand up straight again. Then lift your left knee and touch it with your right elbow. Repeat this exercise several times at your own pace.
  • Over-cross exercise 2: Now try to touch the sole of your right foot with your left hand behind your back and vice versa. There are no limits to your imagination with these over-cross exercises. You can vary the exercises as you like. This brings variety and additional fun – and that’s exactly what helps against stress and anger. It is important to cross the middle and coordinate the movements of the right and left half of the body.

Unobtrusive over-cross exercises for everywhere in between.

And what if your concentration suddenly drops while driving or in a meeting? Sometimes circumstances don’t allow you to get up and start doing gymnastics because of your drop in performance. But there are helpful exercises for these situations, too:

  1. Rub your ear: rub your right ear with your left hand and at the same time, or following, rub your left ear with your right hand.
  2. The lying eight: follow the line of a lying eight with your eyes. Start in the middle and follow the line to the upper left. This exercise is also great for strengthening memory and should be part of any exercise program.
  3. Cross your arms, fingers or feet: cross your fingers, your arms or your feet alternately. This exercise is also unobtrusive and brings the interaction of the brain hemispheres again.

Massage points for better concentration

To activate the vitality and body energy is excellent to massage the following acupuncture points:

1. ear massage

Grasp your ears with one hand each between thumb and forefinger at the curled edges and pull them outward. Then massage the ear towards the tip of the ear. Then grasp the ear a little lower between your thumb and index finger and massage upward toward the tip of the ear again. Repeat the massage until the whole ear is kneaded from earlobe to ear tip. The ear is now warm and red. There are about 200 acupuncture points in the ear.Through the massage you stimulate your entire body energy.

2. massage of acupuncture points on the collarbone.

About 2 cm to the right and left of the sternum, below the collarbone, there are two acupuncture points whose massage promotes the reduction of stress and anxiety. Rub these points with the thumb and forefinger of one hand while placing the other hand on your abdomen.

3. thymus gland tapping.

The thymus gland is located behind the breastbone. It produces the T lymphocytes for the body’s defense against infections and controls the energy flow in the body. Stress, emotional imbalance, anxiety and strife weaken the thymus gland. Loosely tap the center of your chest with a fist in a circle (counterclockwise) – about 10 to 12 times. Hum along with this, if possible. You will feel your energy awaken and a sense of relaxation arise. It is extremely helpful to combine these exercises, which increase your ability to concentrate, with exercises that invigorate your circulation and get you going again. You can find these pick-me-ups below.

Little pick-me-ups for the circulation

These exercises will boost circulation and really get you going again.

  1. Stretch your calves: prop both hands on your desk top. Angle one leg, stretching the other straight back. Now try to press your heel to the floor a few times, as far as it doesn’t cause pain. Alternate your legs. This exercise promotes blood circulation and has an invigorating effect.
  2. Swinging arms: Extend your arms forward while standing, then let them swing back and forward again. Please note that the arms describe a semicircle. The exercise has an invigorating effect and loosens the shoulder girdle.
  3. Circle arms: Now circle arms while standing. Stay loose at the knees. This exercise promotes blood circulation and oxygenation of all organs.