Lactose Intolerance: Treatment

Depending on the severity of the condition, an individualized lactose-free (no more than 1 gram of lactose per day) or low-lactose (no more than 10 grams of lactose per day) diet is appropriate. For many sufferers, switching to a low-lactose diet is sufficient. For therapy, a variety of lactose-free products are offered in supermarkets, as well as lactase preparations from pharmacies, so that products containing lactose are also better tolerated.

Lactose-containing foods

Foods containing lactose include milk and products made from it, food and drinks. The main ones are:

  • Buttermilk
  • Milk powder
  • Condensed milk
  • Butter
  • Curd
  • Cream
  • Yogurt
  • Whey
  • Ice cream
  • Chocolate
  • Chocolates

But lactose is hidden not only in milk and dairy products, but also in a variety of manufactured foods. For example, in ready meals, confectionery, bread and bread products, spice mixes, sweetener tablets, instant products, meat as well as sausages may contain lactose. And medicines can also contain lactose as an ingredient.

When buying food, the list of ingredients can provide information on whether lactose is contained. If in doubt, the manufacturer can also be asked for information.

Well-tolerated foods for lactose intolerance

Substitutes for some of the products are soy milk, soy curd and soy-based coffee creamer. Aged semi-hard, hard, sour, and soft cheeses are usually well tolerated because the lactose is largely converted to lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria.

Sour milk products such as yogurt, quark and kefir can often be enjoyed without problems in limited quantities.

Probiotic yogurts containing bacterial lactase are particularly well tolerated. Meanwhile, low-lactose milk is even available in grocery stores.

Adequate calcium intake

Because of the limited consumption of milk and dairy products, calcium is a critical nutrient. To ensure adequate calcium intake, it is important to meet the requirement through other calcium-containing foods, for example:

  • Soy milk and tofu
  • Meat, fish and eggs
  • Plant foods such as legumes, kale, broccoli or fennel.

Calcium-enriched mineral water with a calcium content of over 150 milligrams per liter is also recommended.

Where is there danger?

Those who suffer from lactose intolerance should be especially mindful when shopping. Caution should be exercised when buying unpackaged baked goods, meat and fish products, and deli salads that do not require a declaration of ingredients. In addition, lactose may be present in sweetener tablets, medicines and toothpaste.

Lactose is also used in the food industry as an additive, e.g. as a carrier for flavors or as an emulsifier. However, ingredients of food additives do not have to be listed in the ingredient list if they account for less than 25% of the additive, so the proportion of lactose is usually not indicated. Some manufacturers, however, attach importance to a full declaration of all ingredients or to the indication “lactose-free” or “low-lactose”.

Lactose content of selected foods

Food (per 100 grams) Lactose (grams)
Condensed milk 9,6
Processed cheese 5,7
Drinking milk 4,8
Buttermilk 4,0
Yogurt 4,0
Whipped cream 3,4
Cream curd 3,3
Heavy cream cheese 2,5
Butter 0,7
Curd, lean 0,7
Camembert present in traces
Emmental present in traces
Gouda present in traces