Laryngitis (Larynx Inflammation): Drug Therapy

Therapeutic targets

  • Alleviation of symptoms
  • Elimination of pathogens
  • Avoidance of complications

Therapy recommendations

The following are treatment recommendations for acute laryngitis:

  • The focus is on voice sparing i.e. temporary complete abstention from voice use; at most, speak softly carefully with lowered voice pitch.
  • Analgesics (painkillers) to relieve symptoms.
  • Antibiotics are indicated only in exceptional cases (eg, superinfection / here: bacterial secondary infection), because the course of laryngitis is usually self-limiting, ie, it comes to a halt without therapeutic measures
  • If necessary, mucolytics (mucolytic drugs).
  • Supportive measures: Inhalation with mild substances (brine or sage tea).

The following are treatment recommendations for chronic laryngitis:

  • Nicotine and alcohol restriction
  • Abstention from hot spices
  • Moistening of dry mucous membranes by inhalation; pay attention to optimal room humidity
  • In case of reflux (reflux of acidic gastric contents from the stomach into the esophagus (esophagus); symptom: heartburn) are proton pump inhibitors means of first choice

Further notes

  • Epiglottitis (epiglottis = gr. epiglottis, -itis = inflammation; synonym: laryngitis supraglottica) is a life-threatening disease usually caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type B. It is an emergency; even suspicion requires hospitalization. Frequency peak: children between 2-6 years; typical symptoms are: barking, dry irritating cough, which can lead to life-threatening respiratory distress.
  • Laryngitis gastrica (non-bacterial, inflammatory reaction of the mucosa in the larynx and surrounding pharynx due to a reflux (Latin refluxus “reflux”) of gastric secretions), which is relatively common, can be relieved by a plant-based Mediterranean diet combined with drinking alkaline water at least as well as by treatment with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI; acid blocker).
  • See also under “Further therapy“.

Supplements (dietary supplements; vital substances)

Suitable supplements for natural defense should contain the following vital substances:

Note: The listed vital substances are not a substitute for drug therapy. Dietary supplements are intended to supplement the general diet in the particular life situation.