Laser and light treatment systems | Epilating for men

Laser and light treatment systems

In the application of laser and light treatment systems, the body hair is bombarded with laser impulses or light flashes over large areas. The emitted light or laser impulses are removed (absorbed) by a special hair building block, melanin, and converted into heat inside the hair. The heat development ultimately ensures that a desolation of the individual hair roots is initiated.

The disadvantage of these methods is that both laser impulses and light flashes only lead to visible success in hair with dark hair roots. This is due to the fact that white hair roots do not have the necessary melanin and therefore the impulses cannot be absorbed by the hair. A danger for the surrounding skin tissue does not exist even when using a laser, because the laser works with exactly one wavelength and is therefore very selective regarding its target structure.

In contrast to laser treatment, the light treatment method (synonym: Intense Pulsed Light; short: IPL technology) offers the advantage that larger areas can be treated in one step. Furthermore, in comparison to the laser method, which can only emit a single wavelength, the IPL technique emits the complete spectrum of a xenon light source. For this reason, the use of light pulses is in most cases much more successful than the use of a laser.

However, studies have shown that the best treatment results can be achieved with a combination of light pulses and melanin-independent radiofrequency current.For a complete result and long-term hair removal, about six to thirty treatments are necessary, depending on the body region and the user. Epilation by light impulses also only leads to visible success in men with dark hair roots. The reason for this depilation method is also the lack of melanin in white hair roots.


So-called electro-epilation (synonym: needle epilation) was used for the first time in the USA and is celebrating great success there. The advantage compared to laser or light treatment is that electroepilation leads to visible successes regardless of hair color, hair thickness and skin color. This is a great advantage especially for men who often have very thick and strong hair.

In electroepilation, a very fine probe made of surgical steel is inserted into the hair follicles. The actual strength of this probe is adjusted to the diameter and size of the hairs to be treated. Via the probe inserted into the hair follicle, electrical energy is introduced into the hair root.

In this way, permanent damage to the hair root cells can be initiated. As a rule, these cannot regenerate again and the removed hair does not grow back. The actual procedure of electroepilation can be carried out in three different variants.

Thermolysis, electrolysis and the so-called blend method are considered to be particularly effective. Which method is the most suitable for the respective patient depends on individual factors of the patient. Important for the choice of the suitable method is the hair situation as well as the skin condition and pain tolerance of the patient.