Laser Blepharoplasty: Eyelid Lift by Laser

Laser blepharoplasty is a gentle, cosmetic eyelid lift performed using a carbon dioxide laser (pulsed CO2 laser) or an erbium laser. The treatment can be performed both in the area of the upper eyelids (e.g. for drooping eyelids) and in the area of the lower eyelids (e.g. for bags under the eyes). The procedure can be combined with laser skin resurfacing therapy for more effective wrinkle removal.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Sagging of the upper and lower eyelids, especially drooping eyelids.
  • Sagging of the upper eyelids, which leads to a limitation of the visual field (due to the small eye opening, the patient’s vision is limited)
  • Wrinkles in the area of the upper and lower eyelids
  • Excess fat pads in the area of the lower eyelids (eg, bags under the eyes) and upper eyelids.

Before surgery

At the beginning, a thorough medical history should be taken and the patient should be informed about the surgical procedure and risks. Before the surgical procedure, the patient should not take acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), sleeping pills, or alcohol for a period of seven to ten days. Both acetylsalicylic acid and other painkillers delay blood clotting and can lead to unwanted bleeding. Smokers should severely limit their nicotine consumption as early as four weeks before the procedure in order not to jeopardize wound healing. In addition, patients should not wear makeup or contact lenses.

The surgical procedure

The surgical area is first precisely defined and marked. At the beginning, the surgeon makes the planned skin incisions with the laser at a power of approximately 7.5 watts. Due to the hemostatic effect of the laser, the wound hardly bleeds (bleeding from very small vessels is prevented by obliteration) and allows a clean incision. Only larger vessels have to be sclerosed by electrocoagulation.

Subsequently, a part of the orbicularis oculi muscle (mimic muscle surrounding the complete eye) is removed together with the excess fatty tissue, for this purpose the power of the laser is increased to 9-10 watts. If present, any disturbing excess skin can also be removed. Finally, the edges of the wounds are placed together and sutured with a fine, continuous suture, leaving only a barely visible, fine scar later.

The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, although general anesthesia is available upon request.

After the operation

Your skin may feel very tight at first, and bruising and swelling will occur. To reduce swelling, cold compresses and cooling ice packs may provide relief for the first few days. Physical exertion, strong sun exposure and contact of the wound with care products or dirt should be avoided. Stitches are removed about a week after the procedure. The scars will fade over time.


Laser blepharoplasty provides effective and gentle removal of troublesome drooping eyelids or bags under the eyes, which can be responsible for a significant decrease in self-esteem. The procedure gives you a more alert and radiant look, providing a more youthful appearance.