Laser Skin Resurfacing Therapy

Laser skin resurfacing therapy (laser skin resurfacing) is a procedure to remove superficial skin imperfections and signs of aging. In particular, wrinkles can be treated very well. Laser skin resurfacing therapy is a physical peeling method (= physical peeling) and makes use of the very effective properties of the laser. A laser produces bundled, monochromatic (single-color light or light with a defined wavelength), high-energy light that can be precisely focused with high intensity. The ablation of the superficial layers of the skin with the help of the laser is used for subsequent re-epithelialization (new formation of the skin surface) and thus the goal of rejuvenating the skin and improving its appearance.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Acne scars – for: Acne vulgaris, Acne comedonica, Acne excoriee.
  • Actinic (light) damaged skin.
  • Actinic keratosis – change in the skin that occurs on actinically damaged skin. It can be the precursor to squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, which is why it is considered a precancerous lesion (precancerous lesions; KIN (keratinocytic intraepidermal neoplasia)).
  • Elastosis – degeneration of the elastic fibers of the skin that occurs with age.
  • Wrinkles – superficial, fine wrinkles, for example, in the area of the eyelids or perioral (smile lines around the mouth).
  • Colorless nevi (birthmarks)
  • Comedones (blackheads)
  • Lentigines senilis (age spots)
  • Precancerous lesions (precancerous skin lesions).
  • Pigment spots
  • Postoperative scars on the face
  • Seborrheic keratosis (age warts)
  • Syringomas – benign (benign) tumors of the sweat gland excretory ducts.
  • Verrucae vulgaris (warts)
  • Xanthelasma – Yellowish, raised plates in the tissues of the upper and lower eyelids that contain cholesterol and often occur in dyslipidemia.

Before treatment

Before laser therapy, an intensive medical history discussion should be conducted that includes the medical history and motivation for the procedure. The procedure, any side effects, and the consequences of the surgery should be discussed in detail. It should also be asked whether the patient is prone to keloids or pigmentation disorders. Note: The requirements of the explanation are stricter than usual, since courts in the field of aesthetic surgery demand a “relentless” explanation.Furthermore, you should not take acetylsalicylic acid (ASS), sleeping pills or alcohol for a period of seven to ten days before the procedure. Both acetylsalicylic acid (platelet aggregation inhibitor) and other analgesics delay blood clotting and can cause unwanted bleeding. Smokers should severely limit their nicotine consumption as early as four weeks before the procedure to avoid jeopardizing wound healing.

The surgical procedures

Two different lasers are generally used for laser skin resurfacing therapy. What they both have in common is that they gently ablate the tissues due to their energy exposure.

  • CO2 laser – The so-called ultra-pulsed carbon dioxide laser has a penetration depth of about 40-100 μm and emits infrared light. The properties of this laser result in a controlled thermal effect on tissue that increases with the laser pulse number. The CO2 laser has a vaporizing (evaporating) effect without causing bleeding.
  • Erbium Yag laser (synonym: Er:Yag laser) – This infrared laser has a tissue penetration depth of 10-50 μm and, unlike the CO2 laser, does not cause a heating effect. Its effect on the tissue is rather ablative (detaching).
  • Device combinations – To combine the properties of both lasers, combined laser systems are offered.
  • Dual Er:Yag laser systems – Some devices have this type of laser with its ablative effect combined with a thermal mode.

In this modern procedure, the laser radiation used is targeted to the area of skin to be removed. Due to the high precision of the lasers used, it is possible to remove with millimeter precision the area of skin that is considered disturbing, without damaging the underlying layers of skin. The procedure can be used in a variety of ways and is very applicable to the facial area due to its precision. Laser skin resurfacing therapy has the following effects on the skin:

  • Tissue ablation – By removing the top layer of skin, it comes to a refinement of the skin texture and wrinkle reduction.
  • Collagen shrinking – The collagen fibers contract and cause a tightening of the tissue.
  • Collagen neosynthesis – The procedure with the laser stimulates the formation of new structural protein collagen and causes the regeneration of the skin.

The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia (local anesthesia) and therefore completely painless. Depending on the extent of the area to be treated, either local anesthesia, nerve block or intubation anesthesia is performed. The therapy can be repeated without problems if sufficient results were not achieved during the initial treatment.

After treatment

Following laser skin resurfacing therapy, the patient is given antibiotic and antiviral (medication treatment against viruses and bacteria) treatment. Ointments and dressings protect the freshly treated skin. As the treatment progresses, the patient should make sure to use very good sun protection.

Your benefit

Laser skin resurfacing therapy provides you with a modern procedure to remove your troublesome skin lesions. Through collagen shrinking and subsequent regeneration during collagen neosynthesis, the deeper layers of tissue are tightened and the skin appears more elastic and younger again. With the help of this procedure, your troublesome skin changes are effectively removed and your quality of life and well-being are restored.