Laser Treatment (Laser Therapy): Treatment, Effect & Risks

Through the research of the effect of laser beams, it has also become possible in medicine to perform numerous the patient a relieving and efficient reader treatment or laser therapy in many areas. Laser treatment is a procedure that has become the pioneering therapy options.

What is laser treatment

Schematic diagram of a laser treatment of the skin in dermatology. Click to enlarge. Laser treatment, which in professional and colloquial use is also called laser therapy, is a complex and advanced procedure. The basis for laser treatment is provided by highly sophisticated and sensitive technical devices and technologies supported by a laser. In particular, the distinctive physical modes of action of laser light are the basis for laser treatment. These conditions include the coherence and heat generation as well as the polarization of the light. In addition, the laser treatment can be influenced by the selection of different wavelength ranges and the so-called pulse frequency and duration. However, laser treatment cannot be used in the same way for every therapeutic goal and every disease.

Function, effect, application and goals

Laser treatment is used to cure diseases and relieve discomfort. Typical applications of laser treatment include the laser scalpel and laser-assisted acupuncture, as well as surgical laser technology. Solid bodies that cause discomfort, such as gallstones, kidney stones or urinary stones, can be destroyed with laser treatment. Laser treatment has currently become common in ophthalmology, aesthetic medicine, dermatology and dentistry. In laser treatment, the functioning of a laser can be exploited to heat specific areas of tissue. In this context, the laser is used to make surgical incisions or to obliterate blood vessels. In a Lasik laser treatment, so-called femtosecond lasers are used, which can emit limited laser pulses. The energy contained in the laser’s light beam causes changes in the tissue. Carbon dioxide bubbles and water are formed. Depending on the components of the laser, there is a gradual excitation of the atoms of the cell structures, which thus reach a higher energy state. The effect of the laser treatment can lead to the inhibition of inflammatory processes in the tissue. By amplifying the energy of the light rays, laser treatment also has effects that lead to decongestion of tissues and stimulate them to regenerate on their own. In addition, during laser treatment, an effect that increases blood circulation can be achieved. Painful complaints can be alleviated with the laser treatment. The stabilization of the cell walls leads to an acceleration of metabolic activities and the release of self-healing substances. These results are favored or curbed by the amount of energy used in laser treatment. The power of the laser and the nature of the zones to be treated also influence the reader treatment. Spider veins and varicose veins are most often dense and highly visible under the skin. A vascular laser removes them gently and specifically. The outer layer of skin is not damaged in the process. There are no scars. Click to enlarge. The goals of laser treatment are to cure numerous diseases, even deep-seated ones, with a procedure characterized by the patient’s freedom from stress. This refers to the therapy for remedying musculoskeletal disorders as well as improving the healing of injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons. Even the alleviation of osteoarthritis can be realized by laser treatment. In this context, the patients should be free of pain and the inflammatory, degenerative processes should be stopped. By stimulating cell growth, healthy and new tissue is created again.

Risks and dangers

Laser treatment may cause side effects during or after the procedure. These occur as part of localized redness and swelling of the skin areas and may be associated with itching. Possible side effects of laser treatment also include blistering and scarring, depending on the intensity of the procedure.These mainly occur when the laser treatment leads to burns of various skin regions due to excessive heat development. Thus, the side effects of laser treatment can be rather minor and, as it were, momentous and long-lasting. If the laser treatment is not applied accurately and precisely, functional disorders of the treated organs can also not be excluded. Due to the changes in the chemical structure in tissues, side effects may also occur during laser treatment. However, some laser procedures used for laser treatment are almost free of side effects and do not cause pain even during the procedure.