

Laser in situ keratomileusis “in situ” = in situ, at the normal location; “kerato” = cornea, cornea; “mileusis” = shaping, modeling


Lasik is a surgical procedure that corrects visual defects of the eyes with laser. Both short-sightedness (myopia) and long-sightedness (hyperopia) as well as as astigmatism can be operated on with the help of Lasik. The term Lasik freely translates as “forming (“kerato”) the cornea (“kerato”) in situ (“in situ”) by means of a laser (“laser”) (“mileusis”)”.


Lasik has been used as an eye laser procedure since 1990. Lasik is part of the so-called refractive corneal surgery. This includes interventions on the cornea of the eye with the aim of improving vision.

The cornea forms the anterior border of the human eye and, together with the eye lens, is responsible for the refraction of light and thus for visual acuity. The cornea accounts for about two thirds and the lens for about one third of the refractive power. Thus, interventions on the cornea that change its refractive power (for example, Lasik) can influence visual acuity.


Before Lasik can be performed, a number of measures must be taken to prepare for the operation. On the one hand, as with any surgical procedure, a detailed informative discussion with the patient about Lasik is part of it, which should include the course of the Lasik procedure, the risks and complications, alternative treatments and postoperative care. On the other hand, specific examinations of the eye must be carried out in advance for an eye operation.

These include an ultrasound-guided measurement of the corneal thickness (pachymetry), an analysis of the corneal curvature (topography), a measurement of the eyeball length (length of the bulb) and an examination of the tear film (composition, production, etc.). Pupil size (pupillometry) and intraocular pressure must also be determined before performing a Lasik procedure. It is also important to have a “contact-lens free” phase before the operation: patients should not wear soft lenses for the last two weeks before the Lasik operation.