Lateral Knee Ligament Tear: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A torn lateral ligament of the knee is either the tear of the outer ligament, the inner ligament, or both ligaments. The rupture (tear) causes the knee joint to lose its stability and functionality.

What is a torn lateral ligament of the knee?

Schematic diagram of healthy cruciate ligaments and the different forms of cruciate ligament tears. Click to enlarge. A torn lateral ligament in the knee always affects either the outer ligament on the outside or the inner ligament on the inside of the knee. There are several ligaments on the knee to stabilize the knee joint, in addition to muscles and tendons. The lateral ligaments are located on the right and left side of the knee, and two cruciate ligaments are located inside the joint. The inner ligament runs at a slight angle from the femur to the tibia. It is relatively wide and is fused with the joint capsule that surrounds the knee joint and with parts of the meniscus (cartilage disc). The external ligament runs from the femur to the fibula. It is slightly narrower and is not connected to the joint capsule. When a collateral ligament tears, one or both ligaments tear and the knee joint loses its stability. Usually, the collateral ligaments tear completely; incomplete tears are rare.


The cause of a torn lateral collateral ligament is usually a quick sudden twisting motion in the knee. Lateral ligament tears often happen during sports, especially soccer and skiing. Whether the ligaments withstand the excessive stress or tear is sometimes determined by genetics alone. Statistics show that ligaments tear faster in women than in men. But physical condition also plays a role. People who are trained and exercise often have ligaments that are more resilient. People who exercise less or additionally suffer from excess weight have a higher risk of tearing their lateral ligaments. A typical movement that causes a lateral ligament tear in ball sports is a sudden change of direction in a running motion. In this case, the foot is still on the ground in the original running direction, the upper body is already turning in the new direction, and the knee is suddenly and violently twisted. In skiing, a lateral ligament tear often happens when the bindings do not come undone or when the skis go in different directions due to inexperience.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

A lateral tear on the knee is often a very painful affair, which is accordingly accompanied by typical and distinct symptoms. Immediately after the tear, there is a stabbing pain that persists even at rest. Even the smallest movements and loads on the knee cause severe pain. Not infrequently, a visible swelling occurs in this context, which can be seen directly on the knee. In particularly severe cases, it can even lead to the formation of an abscess, which should definitely be treated by a doctor. Affected individuals who decide to seek treatment early can expect significant improvement within a few weeks. From day to day, the knee can be subjected to more weight-bearing, provided that the patient has medical clearance to do so. If you start too early with such a load, the entire healing process can be protracted. A torn tendon in the knee can be a lengthy affair under certain circumstances. The more the affected knee is rested and immobilized, the faster the healing process will progress. Of course, medical and drug treatment has a positive effect on the healing process. If no treatment is given, a complete recovery cannot be guaranteed. Under certain circumstances, serious complications may occur, leading to permanent consequential damage to the knee.

Diagnosis and course

The rupture of the lateral ligament is immediately perceived by a strong pain. Sometimes you can even hear the sound of the tearing ligament. The affected person can no longer stand up and the knee has lost its ability to function. As the torn ligaments bleed, blood flows into the tissues around the knee joint, causing it to swell. The bruise (hematoma) causes a blue discoloration around the knee. In most cases, the doctor already recognizes by the typical symptoms and by the description of the accident process that a lateral ligament tear may be present. Examination of the knee joint is usually difficult because the patient is in severe pain and mobility is difficult to test under these circumstances.If one of the two collateral ligaments is torn, the doctor can determine this by opening the joint sideways, which is not possible with intact ligaments. An X-ray is used to check whether bone parts are also damaged. The lateral ligament tear can be clarified beyond doubt with an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) examination.


First and foremost, a torn lateral ligament in the knee results in very severe pain. In many cases, this can also spread to the neighboring regions, so that severe pain can also occur in the leg. Likewise, the affected person usually suffers from a bruise and also from a strong swelling in the area of the knee. Furthermore, this complaint leads to considerable restrictions in movement and thus also in the everyday life of the affected person. Most patients can no longer walk on their own and require a walking aid or are dependent on the help of other people in their daily lives. In children, the lateral ligament tear at the knee can also lead to restrictions in development. If the pain also occurs at night, this can lead to sleep problems and possibly irritability of the affected person and psychological discomfort. Treatment of this condition is usually done with the help of medication and by resting the knee. No complications occur in this process. However, in some cases, affected individuals may require surgical intervention.

When should you see a doctor?

A torn lateral ligament of the knee must always be examined and treated by a doctor. With this condition, self-healing usually cannot occur, so the patient is always dependent on medical treatment. Only early and proper treatment can guarantee proper healing. A doctor should be consulted for a torn lateral ligament of the knee if the affected person suffers from very severe pain in the knee. The pain occurs even with minor movements and strains and can spread to other regions of the body. An abscess usually also forms and most patients also have a bruise or severe swelling on the knee. If these complaints occur, a doctor should be consulted in any case. Especially after an accident or after a severe injury, a doctor should be consulted. The lateral ligament tear at the knee can be treated by an orthopedist. In case of severe pain or directly after an accident, the hospital can also be visited or an emergency doctor can be called. In most cases, the torn lateral ligament of the knee does not limit the life expectancy of the affected person.

Treatment and therapy

A torn lateral ligament in the knee should be treated immediately with acute treatment. The so-called PECH scheme is used. 1. P for pause: the ongoing activity must be stopped immediately. 2. E for ice: The joint should be cooled immediately. In the case of a skiing accident, snow is a good option, otherwise simple cool compresses are also useful. C for Compression: A pressure bandage is applied around the knee joint to keep the swelling under control. H for elevation: The leg should be elevated, as this allows blood and tissue fluid to drain away and not accumulate in the knee joint. Further therapy depends on the extent of the damage. Some lateral ligament tears can be treated conservatively (without surgery). The leg is stabilized with a splint for several weeks. If other structures and bone parts are also injured, surgery is usually unavoidable. In a surgical procedure, the ligament parts are rejoined or completely removed and replaced by another tendon from the body. After both conservative and surgical treatment of a torn lateral collateral ligament, patients must re-strengthen the muscles around the knee joint through physiotherapy exercises over a period of several weeks.


There is no way to prevent a torn lateral collateral ligament because it usually happens as a result of an accident. However, some sports, such as ball sports or skiing, have an increased risk for a torn lateral collateral ligament.


A torn lateral collateral ligament in the knee is an injury that requires consistent aftercare to optimize recovery and bring about its best possible outcome. Aftercare can be arranged with physical therapists and rehabilitation instructors, as well as fitness trainers or the treating physician.It is important to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee joint in order to achieve sustainable stabilization of the joint. In the case of a torn lateral collateral ligament, the adductors and abductors as well as the external and internal rotators must be strengthened in particular in this context. These are the muscles that perform the splaying and the bringing forward of the leg as well as its inward and outward rotational movements. This is best done with strength training. Weights are one way to do this, but therabands can also serve the purpose. Weight training on machines, however, offers the advantage that guided movements are less prone to injury. The training must be carried out with the greatest possible protection of the injured structures. Overloading must be avoided at all costs. Gentle stretching of the muscles is also important. In everyday life, sparing is also of great importance. Strong bending with twisting movements in the knee joint should be avoided under all circumstances. Stable footwear or walking barefoot indoors or on the lawn should also be a focus of aftercare. If a knee brace was recommended, the physician or therapist will decide how long it should be worn.

What you can do yourself

The lateral ligament tear on the knee needs medical care, but both acute phase and regeneration can certainly be ubterstützt in the context of self-help. In this context, it is important to take care of the knee for the duration determined by the doctor or physiotherapist. In the case of a torn lateral knee ligament, this applies above all to lateral loads on the knee, which can have unfavorable effects on the stability of the respective inner or outer ligament. Athletes must be careful not to return to their usual training too soon. Muscle training is an important factor in restoring comprehensive stability to the affected knee joint. The muscles on the outside and inside of the leg are particularly important in this context, but training the leg flexors and extensors also provides valuable support. The exercises can be learned from a physiotherapist and then continued either in a special rehabilitation sports program or in the gym. This is to be done with dosed, slowly increasing loading. In the acute phase, the lateral ligament tear of the knee is often associated with pain and swelling as well as a hematoma. Here, it is helpful to cool the affected tissue and to keep the affected leg stable and somewhat elevated. Lateral twisting should be avoided in any case. This also applies to the night’s rest, where the knee can be stabilized in bed with various pillows.