Leg length difference | Exercises against a pelvic obliquity

Leg length difference

Technically speaking, a leg length difference is a difference in length between hip and foot. An anatomical (i.e. based on bone length) leg length difference, however, is something only very few people have. In most cases, a leg length difference is functionally acquired.

This means that the cause of the optical and measurable leg length difference is due to muscular imbalances, joint malpositions or shortening of the capsule or ligament apparatus. A difference in leg length, regardless of the cause, has an effect on the body from a length difference of only 6 mm. The consequences are poor posture and maldevelopment, which mainly affect the spine, hips and pelvis and are thus responsible for a variety of symptoms.

While an anatomical leg length difference is often corrected surgically or compensated for by insoles, the functional leg length difference can often be treated simply conservatively by performing targeted stretching and strengthening exercises and bringing the joints and vertebrae into the correct position. In any case, a leg length difference should always be treated, regardless of its genesis, as otherwise serious consequential damage can occur, which is a permanent burden to the patient. The following articles cover very similar topics:

  • Physiotherapy for leg length difference
  • Gait training
  • Exercises for gait disorders


Overall, pelvic obliquity can usually be treated well with exercises, since it has an anatomical cause in very few cases. It is important that doctors and therapists work closely together in order to make a reliable diagnosis and to be able to develop a training plan specially adapted to the patient in order to get the problems under control. Due to the large number of symptoms, it can seem a little difficult to make an exact diagnosis.

Therefore, it is important not to hope for an improvement for too long, but to consult a specialist in time. If the exercises are continued consistently, further problems can be avoided.