Lesser Celandine: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Yellow-flowered lesser celandine , also known as figwort, belongs to the buttercup family. The name lesser celandine is a folk name for scurvy. The leaves containing vitamin C have been used to successfully combat this deficiency disease. The botanical name is Ranunculus ficaria or Ficaria verna, as a synonym.

Occurrence and cultivation of lesser celandine.

While the green leaves emerge from the ground as early as February, the yellow flowers are not visible until March and then bloom until May. Carl von Linné first mentioned Ranunculus ficaria in writing in his Species Plantarum in 1753. In addition, five subspecies of the plant are known. Ranunculus is the Latin diminutive of rana, frog, thus illustrating the lesser celandine‘s preference for moist, nitrogenous sites. Therefore, the plant is especially common in boggy meadows and lakes. But it can also be found in bushes and hedges, deciduous forests and their edges. Even in shady places in gardens and parks the plant feels comfortable. Its home is in northern and central Europe, but it also thrives in northern Africa and Asia Minor, avoiding the far north. In spring, Ranunculus ficaria is usually the first green plant to appear in light woods. Occasionally it spreads together with the related Anemone nemorosa, the white wood anemone, forming a dense carpet. While the green leaves emerge from the ground as early as February, the yellow flowers are not visible until March and then bloom until May. Although the plant is flown to by many insects due to its bright color, no significant seeds are formed. Propagation is vegetative, asexual, via brood tubers attached to the lower leaves. They fall off in May, overwinter on the soil surface, and germinate again the next spring. During heavy rains, it happens that the brood tubers are washed out. Since they resemble cereal grains, it looks as if it has rained wheat. Therefore, they used to be called sky barley, heavenly manna or sky bread. During times of food scarcity, these brood tubers were dried together with the root tubers of lesser celandine. Flour was ground from them and processed into bread. Today, lesser celandine is used more as an ornamental than as a useful plant. As a ground cover, the plant is popular because it hardly exceeds 20 centimeters in height and spreads rapidly.

Effect and application

The farmers used to use lesser celandine as the first source of vitamins in the spring. They knew about the high vitamin C content. Also for the sailors lesser celandine was part of the travel provisions, because the vitamin C protected them from scurvy, and they had hardly any fruit and vegetables available on board. The deficiency disease often enough ended fatally. It was not until the discovery of lemons and sauerkraut as vitamin C carriers that the plant became less important. Today, scurvy is no longer an issue, with very few exceptions – during prolonged famines, for example. Nevertheless, the plant is still valued, although it is of only minor importance in naturopathy. Especially since the name figwort, which was given to the lesser celandine on the basis of the doctrine of signatures, was misleading. The root tuber shows similarity in appearance to a fig wart. Thus, the healers of the Middle Ages tried to treat warts with the juice of the rhizome. The successes were probably not too great. Although there were some reports that the warts could be burned away with the pungent juice of the root. Possibly a placebo effect. Because according to today’s scientific knowledge, the juice evokes at most a burning sensation on the skin, the wart itself remains unimpressed.

Significance for health, treatment and prevention.

Despite everything, lesser celandine has its permanent place in alternative medicine, especially since its high vitamin C content is undisputed. Since the plant spreads easily, there is no shortage of fresh herbs in the spring. All parts of the herb can be used. Since Ranunculus ficaria contains slightly toxic substances, anemonin and protoanemonin, like all buttercups, it is noticeable by a tart, sometimes quite pungent taste. The degree of pungency depends on the content of toxins. These, in turn, depend on the location and soil conditions. Large quantities of the raw plant should not be consumed.Otherwise, sensitive people may experience irritation of the mucous membranes, diarrhea and nausea. As a general guideline, the herb should not be eaten after flowering. In the dried state, the plants lose their toxicity to humans and animals. With their seasoning, the leaves, fresh or dried, refine salads, cottage cheese, spreads and herbal mixtures. In a spring salad, the young leaves are effective against spring fatigue. Due to their pungent substances, the metabolism is boosted. Pureed leaves can be used to make an invigorating drink, stirred with milk for a special touch. Together with other herbs such as bedstraw, goutweed, ribwort and dandelion, lesser celandine is suitable for cleansing the blood in spring. For four weeks, this mixture is part of the daily menu as a tea, in salads, soups and sauces. The organism receives vitality and new momentum. Roots, nodules and buds can be eaten raw, as well as pickled. Especially popular: flower buds marinated in vinegar. They make a tasty substitute for capers. A tea made from dried leaves helps internally against skin impurities and is used externally for washing. Hemorrhoids are relieved by a decoction of lesser celandine in a sitz bath. All parts of the plant can be used for juices, teas or bath additives.