Life expectancy in lymphoma | Prognosis for lymphoma

Life expectancy in lymphoma

Thanks to sophisticated therapy options, even Hodgkin’s lymphomas in more advanced stages can be cured. Cure is defined as a relapse-free period of 10 years. Approximately 80% of all patients survive the defined period without relapse after therapeutic intervention.

Nearly all relapses of Hodgkin’s lymphoma occur within the first five years after first appearance. The majority of relapses are again observed in the first two and a half years. In a few cases, a relapse is not completely ruled out even after 10 or 20 years.In general, however, the chances of recovery increase with increasing time lag from the first occurrence of the disease.

The average life expectancy compared to the normal population is reduced despite the high chances of cure. Chemo- and radiotherapeutic measures damage in particular the heart muscle and the lung and thyroid tissue. Fertility disorders are also frequently observed.

In about one fifth of cases, another malignant tumor develops as a late complication within 20 years. In most cases it is breast or thyroid cancer. Acute myeloid leukemia can also occur as a result of chemo- and radiotherapy.