Life expectancy with heart failure


Heart failure is one of the most common diseases and causes of death in Germany. 20% of the over 60 year olds suffer from it. Among the over-70s it is as high as 40%.

Statistically speaking, women are less frequently affected than men, but the number of women suffering from heart failure is also increasing due to modern lifestyles. Heart failure in the elderly is usually a chronic condition, the symptoms develop slowly and are often not recognized immediately. The more advanced the weakness is, the worse the prognosis is.

Younger people are very rarely affected, this is usually an acute heart failure based on a congenital malformation. In general, heart failure is not curable and the prognosis is comparatively poor. 50% of those affected survive the next 5 years after diagnosis. Myocardial cells can regenerate with great difficulty or not at all. However, with a targeted, consistent therapy, the course of the disease can be slowed down and life expectancy increased.

These factors have a positive influence on life expectancy in case of heart failure

An elementary component of the therapy of a cardiac insufficiency is the so-called lifestyle change – an improvement and change of life circumstances. Normalization of body weight is the top priority. A balanced diet low in salt is of great importance.

This kind of nutrition is also known as Mediterranean diet, with lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, fish and high-quality oils (olive oil, coconut oil). The second important factor is sufficient exercise, in the form of light endurance sports. Cycling, swimming or hiking are good ways to keep the cardiovascular system going.

However, before endurance training, the performance should be checked by a doctor. An exercise ECG can be used to plan an optimal therapy. In general, it is important to maintain these changes permanently, even if the beginning is difficult.

With these measures the patient himself can have a great influence on his prognosis, especially in the early stages of the disease. Rest and a safe environment for the patient is also important. By avoiding stress, the heart can be spared in the long term.

In addition, existing diseases and risk factors that promote heart failure must be quickly recognized and eliminated. Regular blood pressure monitoring and a consistent attitude is essential. Here again, the success of therapy depends on the patient’s cooperation.

Only if prescribed tablets are taken regularly can the course of the disease be improved. The female sex hormone estrogen has a positive, so-called cardioprotective influence on the heart and blood vessels, therefore women are less frequently affected. These topics may be of interest to you:

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