Ligament Sprain (Strained Ligament): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ligament sprain or strain is a common sports injury. Due to heavy stress on the joint ligaments caused by extreme and jerky movements, overstretching or straining of these ligaments occurs. Typical causes are therefore twisting of the knee or twisting of the foot. A doctor should be consulted to rule out a fracture and further complications.

What is a stretched ligament (strained ligament)?

A ligament strain, often called a pulled ligament, refers to an overstretching of the ankle ligaments. The signs of ligament strain are usually severe swelling, profuse bruising and noticeable pain in the area of the affected joint. A specific first aid for suspected ligament strain is a pressure bandage to hold back the swelling, adequate cooling and an immediate visit to the hospital. This is because a possible torn ligament or broken bone must also always be ruled out when diagnosing a ligament strain.


A ligament strain usually occurs as a result of an accident in which the affected person twists his or her ankle, for example, or otherwise comes to rest awkwardly with the ankle. However, ligament sprains can also occur if the ankle is severely twisted. Therefore, a ligament strain often occurs in connection with various sports activities, because ankle ligaments are found on all joints in the human body. However, the ankle joints of the feet and those of the fingers are most commonly affected by ligament stretching. A ligament strain happens quickly and is very painful, but in most cases is not really drastic in nature. It occurs more frequently than many people expect. A ligament strain can come in various degrees of severity: from mild to moderate to very severe. Therefore, it is important to closely monitor the symptoms of a ligament strain after a related accident.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

A stretch or strain of the ligaments usually occurs due to excessive overloading of the joints. This clinical picture makes itself noticeable by a stabbing pain, which also occurs in the subsequent resting state. Affected persons are severely restricted in their entire range of motion when the ligaments are stretched, since even the slightest movements cause severe pain. In some cases, swelling can also be seen, but this can be inhibited by sufficient cooling. However, a ligament strain can also become noticeable in a state of absolute rest. Affected individuals often experience a long-lasting pain that can affect the entire leg. In some cases, the affected joint may even become inflamed, resulting in the formation of an abscess. Such an abscess is noticeable by a bluish discoloration at the respective site. If several signs indicate such an abscess, then an appropriate doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.


The more the ligaments of the ankle joint are strained in a ligament strain, the more severe the swelling, bruising and pain usually are. Depending on the severity of the ligament strain, pain can occur while standing or only while walking. Most often they occur as pressure pain or felt lock in the joint.


At rest, such as when the foot or hand is cooled and elevated a lot, the affected ankle usually swells back up considerably. Likewise, the pain subsides with adequate rest – but only as long as the joint is spared. If you try to return to normal daily activities or sports prematurely with a ligament stretch, the symptoms return very quickly, and usually more drastically. A simple ligament strain is usually harmless and over after a few days. However, if the strain is not treated or is treated inadequately, it can lead to various complications. If left untreated, a ligament strain always carries the risk of complete ligament rupture and subsequent chronic joint instability; restrictions in movement and functionality are possible consequences. Moreover, incorrect loading as a result of a protective posture puts strain on the joints, which can lead to premature joint wear. Furthermore, ligament stretching restricts mobility and thus increases the risk of accidents in everyday life.If sports are started too soon after a strain or if excessive stress is placed on the joints in everyday life, the complaints will return very quickly and usually more severely. If the strain does not heal completely, there is also a risk of permanent gait problems or joint pain. Often, the pain radiates throughout the foot and thus also develops into a physical burden for the affected person. During treatment, improper therapeutic measures can lead to a carryover of the ligament strain and subsequently to serious complications.

When should you see a doctor?

If a ligament strain is suspected, you should see a doctor immediately. Pain and swelling of the affected joint indicate a serious injury that must be medically clarified and, if necessary, treated directly. A visit to the doctor is recommended at the latest when the joint can no longer be moved or can only be moved to a limited extent. A slight overstretching, on the other hand, usually heals on its own. If sports activities are stopped for a few days, the pain usually subsides quickly and the swelling also subsides without complications. If the symptoms have not subsided after one to two weeks at the latest, it is best to consult a doctor or sports physician. Professional athletes and people who have to move a lot for work should treat sports injuries immediately and then consult a doctor. Only a medical diagnosis can rule out more serious ligament injuries such as a torn ligament or torn ligaments. In addition, the doctor can initiate specific treatment and thus accelerate the healing of the ligament strain.

Treatment and therapy

Basically, a ligament stretch or strain must absolutely be diagnosed by a specialist, because a ligament tear and bone fracture must be ruled out. Of all possible injuries to the ankle, a ligament strain is sometimes the least problematic to treat. All the joint needs at this point is some rest to recover. After the accident and if the ligament is stretched, the affected ankle should be rested and elevated. Special ointments can support the healing process, as can targeted cooling. This ensures that the swelling goes down, which in turn makes movement easier. A stretched ligament heals superficially in about a week. Then, with a ligament strain, you can slowly return to a private and professional daily routine. However, since muscles, tendons and tissue are also affected by a ligament sprain, you should take it easy for at least two to three weeks after the accident. In the case of a ligament strain, slight discomfort can still occur during this time if the strain is too great. However, if these are too severe, you should definitely see a doctor again.

Outlook and prognosis

The stretching or straining of ligaments have a good prognosis. Within a few weeks, there is a chance of recovery, taking into account the doctor’s instructions. The affected region must be relieved, and participation in physical therapy greatly increases the success of healing. People in good health and of normal weight can be completely free of symptoms within a few months. The decisive factors are the timing of the treatment and sufficient rest. Subsequently, the tissue damage in the deeper layers is regenerated through the action of the body’s natural self-healing powers. This process takes place individually and can last up to a year. Until this process is complete, there is an increased sensation of sensitivity in the area. For protection, it is recommended to wear protective measures such as joint pads or bandages to avoid overuse. The sooner the ligament strain can be diagnosed and treated, the faster the healing process. If severe swelling has already occurred, healing will be delayed. If the ligament strain is severe or repeated, recovery may be delayed. If there are already several stretches that have not been completely cured, a floppy joint may result. In this case, the stability of the joint is significantly impaired and is hardly subject to voluntary control.


In the case of ligament sprain and strain, aftercare plays an important role. Thus, even a ligament strain results in temporary mild instability of the affected joint.On the one hand, the stabilizing muscles are weakened because they are spared after the injury and thus only used to a limited extent. On the other hand, a ligament strain also damages the sensitive receptors within the ligaments, which in turn negatively affects coordination and makes re-injury more likely. Accordingly, proper aftercare ensures, on the one hand, that the muscles are strengthened again and depth sensitivity is restored. This is best achieved through targeted physiotherapy. This uses targeted strength and coordination exercises to renew injured structures. Learned exercises can then be continued privately and also have a prophylactic effect against future injuries to the affected ligaments. It is also important to gradually put full weight on the joint again only as soon as this is possible without pain. On the other hand, the joint can also be stabilized in the months following ligament stretching by orthopedic bandages and tapes in everyday life and especially during sports activities. However, such supportive measures should not be used permanently to reintroduce the ligamentous apparatus and muscular coordination to natural loads without support.

Here’s what you can do yourself

If a ligament strain or strain occurs, it is important to counteract bleeding as well as excessive swelling as quickly as possible. This is best achieved by the so-called PECH rule. The term PECH is an abbreviation for first aid measures for injuries such as a ligament strain that can be easily performed by the affected person. These measures include rest (P), the application of ice (E), compression (C), i.e. the application of a pressure bandage, and elevating the affected body region (H). Rest is understood as the immediate discontinuation of any sports activities after the ligament strain. This means that the affected joint is consistently rested. The most important first aid measures also include cooling the injured area with a cold pack or cold water. For example, a towel can be dipped in ice water and placed on the painful area for about 15 minutes. Cooling should be done at regular intervals for the first 12 to 24 hours. However, it is considered advisable to avoid real ice because it leads to increased blood flow. If available, a compression bandage can also be applied around the site of ligament stretching. After cooling, the compression causes increased blood flow. It is also useful to elevate the affected area of the body, as this allows less blood to reach the damaged joint via the arteries. In addition, the injured area should not be stressed for several days.