Limb pain without fever | Limb Pain

Limb pain without fever

Pain in the limbs that occurs without fever can be caused by a variety of different diseases. The causes can range from a simple muscle ache to a tumor disease or nerve damage. It is important that strong and long-lasting pain in the limbs is examined by a doctor and serious diseases can be excluded or treated correctly.

Self-therapy for pain in the limbs should only be carried out for a few days, if at all. Painkillers may mask the symptom of limb pain, but they cannot treat or cure the underlying disease. Only by correctly diagnosing the cause of the pain can a targeted therapy be started.

Limb pain that only affects the legs usually speaks against the presence of an infectious disease. If only both legs or only a single leg is affected by limb pain, a number of different diseases may be the cause. For example, circulatory problems in the legs can be the cause of the pain.

In this case, the complaints can be one-sided, but they can also occur on both legs and are most noticeable after exertion, such as a long walk. However, diseases such as rheumatism, arthrosis or gout can also cause complaints in the joints of the leg and then become noticeable in the form of pain in the limbs. Nerve damage or an inflammation of the nerves can also affect the legs and cause complaints there.

Common cold

The most common cause of aching limbs is an infection with a cold virus. Not every virus causes aching limbs and not every person experiences the symptoms of aching limbs in the same way. Nevertheless, the most common cause of the symptom of aching limbs is a cold.

The pain in the limbs that occurs with a cold can affect not only the arms and legs but also the rest of the body. Typical for aching limbs, which occur in the context of an infection with a cold virus, is the infestation of the whole body with the symptom. If limb pain occurs and a cold is suspected, other typical symptoms of the cold can confirm the diagnosis. A medication that fights the cause cannot be recommended. However, heat, massages and adequate hydration can provide some relief from limb pain associated with a cold.