Liposuction on the upper arm | How can I lose weight on my upper arm?

Liposuction on the upper arm

Fat deposits that cannot be removed despite regular exercise and a balanced diet can be surgically removed once and for all by liposuction. Various methods can be used. In the most common method, the tumescent procedure, saline solution and a locally effective anesthetic, which are summarized under the word “tumescent solution”, are injected into the lower fatty tissue.

The solution loosens the fatty tissue and, as a result of the swelling that has developed, causes the surrounding blood vessels to constrict, which greatly reduces the risk of bleeding and facilitates the suction of fat. The procedure is painless and general anesthesia is no longer necessary due to the local anesthesia. For liposuction, small skin incisions are made and cannulas are inserted into the tissue.

However, scars do not develop, which is why liposuction is a popular option for removing annoying fat deposits. The cost of upper arm liposuction varies from clinic to clinic and also depends on the extent of the operation, but is usually in the four-figure range. Sometimes it will be necessary to have an upper arm lift after the operation, as there is a lot of excess skin remaining, which cannot be removed on its own.

The upper arm lift

An upper arm lift is a surgical procedure that removes sagging skin folds. To do this, the surgeon makes an incision in the armpit and guides it along the inside of the upper arm towards the elbow. In this way, excess skin is removed and the incisions are then sutured up again.

With this procedure, however, the formation of scars cannot be completely avoided. However, an upper arm lift will not be able to reduce the circumference of the upper arm if the cause is an increased amount of fatty tissue. Therefore, it is best to reduce the amount of fat in the upper arms through exercise and a healthy diet before considering an upper arm lift.

The skin then retracts to a certain extent depending on age. If sagging skin flaps remain after losing weight, an upper arm lift can be considered. The cost of this depends on the clinic and the size of the area of skin to be removed.

Many clinics also offer a non-binding cost inquiry for this. In general, one should expect to pay between 2000 and 5000 Euros.