List of live vaccines | Live vaccination

List of live vaccines

  • Mumps (M)
  • Measles (M)
  • Rubella (R)
  • Chickenpox (V, varicella)
  • Yellow Fever
  • Typhoid fever (as oral vaccination)
  • Polio (outdated oral vaccination! – now used as a dead vaccination)
  • Rotavirus (oral vaccination)

MMR – Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccination

MMR is the abbreviation for the triple vaccination against mumps, measles and rubella. These are infectious diseases caused by viruses, all three of which can be transmitted by droplet infection and sometimes cause severe disease progressions with possible irreversible long-term damage. As mentioned above, the vaccination is given as a triple combination from the 11th -14th month of life.

Before that the child is protected by immune components of the mother. If necessary, the vaccine against chickenpox (varicella) can also be added to the vaccination. The second vaccination is administered between 15 and 23 months of age and should be administered at least 4 weeks apart.

A second vaccination is used to detect so-called non-responders or vaccination failures, since in 5% of all vaccinated persons an insufficient protection by the first vaccination is observed. The immunity can be checked by special blood tests. Women with an unclear vaccination status, who are planning a pregnancy and are not sure about their vaccination status, should be vaccinated in time before a pregnancy to avoid probable damage to the unborn child by the above mentioned diseases.

Live vaccination during pregnancy