Live in the Moment

Nothing stands in the way of a calm, fulfilled life more than dissatisfaction with what is. For instead of being satisfied and grateful with what has been achieved and discovering perfection in the here and now, many people find what is given to be lacking. As a result, there is a fixation on a longing goal, however small or large it may be: to finally be slim, on vacation or rich, to finally have a house or a yacht, to finally have a career, and so on.

But if you always wait for happiness and make it dependent on many conditions, you may always remain a happiness hunter. Because when one goal is finally achieved, the next one is already on our minds. Life passes us by like this. And the greater the imagination about what could be in a person, the more tense he can be fixated on his goals of longing.

Contentment is a headache

His imagination can thus turn against him. If, on the other hand, it is directed toward the present moment, it is free to be creative and creative. Tips: Think yourself happy and satisfied

  • Remember: there is no better time to be happy than here and now.
  • Or to speak with Dostoevsky, “Man is unhappy because he does not know that he is happy.”
  • Life is full of hurdles, stumbling blocks and dangers. You may still be happy and content.
  • Focus on what you already have, not what you wish you had. Of course, this does not preclude you from setting goals that you want to achieve.
  • Get into the habit of focusing on one thing at a time. The activity will make you increasingly more fun and can be done faster.