Liver Cancer Symptoms

In liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), malignant tumors develop from originally healthy liver cells. In most cases, the symptoms that indicate such a cancer do not become apparent until late. The first signs can be fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss. Due to the non-specific symptoms, liver cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage, which significantly reduces the chances of cure. However, with proper treatment, life expectancy can be extended in many patients.

Incidence of liver cancer

While liver cancer is one of the most common cancers in Africa and Southeast Asia, the disease has been relatively rare in Germany and other Western industrialized countries – although the trend is increasing. In Germany, 8,790 people were diagnosed with liver cancer in 2018. Men are more frequently affected by the disease than women.

Liver cancer: what types are there?

In general, liver cancer is divided into primary and secondary liver cancer. Primary liver cancer is spoken of when the cancer has developed from the liver cells themselves. If, on the other hand, tumors in other organs have metastasized to the liver, this is referred to as secondary liver cancer. Secondary liver cancer occurs much more frequently in Germany than primary liver cancer.

In the case of primary liver cancer, a differentiation must be made between hepatocellular carcinoma, also known as hepatocellular carcinoma, and bile duct carcinoma (cholangiocellular carcinoma). Both carcinomas differ significantly in terms of their causes, symptoms, and therapy. When liver cancer is referred to in this article, hepatocellular carcinoma is meant.

Causes: Liver cirrhosis as a trigger

The risk of developing liver cancer is increased by certain diseases. For example, cirrhosis of the liver promotes the development of liver cancer. Liver cirrhosis, in which the liver is irreversibly damaged, occurs in the final stages of various liver diseases. About 80 percent of liver cancer patients suffer from liver cirrhosis.

The causes are usually chronic hepatitis B or C disease and alcohol abuse. Since alcohol is broken down in the body by the liver, excessive alcohol consumption can cause severe damage to the organ. In the case of hepatitis infections, it is primarily the duration of the disease that determines the extent of the damage. Individuals suffering from cirrhosis of the liver should have their liver examined regularly so that possible liver cancer can be detected early.

Other causes of liver cancer

Liver cirrhosis is not the only cause of liver cancer, however, because in areas where liver cancer is particularly common, it usually occurs independently of liver cirrhosis. Other possible causes of liver cancer include:

Recognize symptoms of liver cancer

In liver cancer, symptoms often become apparent only when the disease is already relatively advanced. In the advanced stage, however, the prognosis is usually rather unfavorable. To increase the chances of recovery, you should consult a doctor directly as soon as you experience symptoms that could indicate liver cancer.

The first signs of such a disease are usually non-specific. They include:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Pressure pain in the upper abdomen

In the abdominal cavity, there may be an accumulation of water (ascites). In addition, a deterioration of the general condition often occurs.

Similarly, liver cancer can cause symptoms such as yellowing of the eyes and skin (jaundice), a significant, unwanted weight loss and swelling under the right ribcage. In such a case, a doctor should definitely be consulted and the cause of the symptoms clarified.