Localization of the furuncle | Boils on the thigh

Localization of the furuncle

The inner side of the thigh is exposed to permanent friction. This occurs both through clothing and through unconscious or conscious movements when walking, standing, sitting and lying down.Therefore the inside of the thigh is an exposed part of the body for the development of a “boil”. In addition, increased body weight and/or increased sweating promote the development of a furuncle on the inner side of the thigh.

In addition, an unstable, dry skin condition predestines the development of injuries. This increases the risk of bacterial inflammation. Certain pre-existing skin diseases also favor the occurrence of a furuncle. Due to the combination of pressure and friction in a sitting or lying position, the back of the thigh is also exposed to the development of a furuncle. The conditions of its development, risk factors, complaints and treatment are similar to furuncles located elsewhere on the thigh.

THERAPY of a furuncle on the thigh

If there is no bursting of the furuncle and thus no independent emptying of pus, sometimes an operation of a furuncle is necessary. This means that a doctor must perform a so-called stab incision. Often this operation can be performed under local anesthesia.

As a rule, it is a minor procedure. The doctor opens the boil with a scalpel so that the pus can escape. Only in rare cases does this operation have to be performed under general anesthesia.

The patient is informed in detail about the anesthesia in writing and orally. Follow-up treatment with antiseptic and antibiotic ointments follows. The patient is instructed how to care for the wound.

In addition, the wound should not be loaded and pressure and friction on it should be avoided if possible. If bacteria have spread into the lymphatic and blood system, antibiotics must be given in tablet form or as an infusion. If there is a high incidence of thigh furuncles, the cause or underlying disease must be treated in addition to the surgical procedure.

Furthermore, in some cases, the antibiotics clindamycin and rifampicin in particular are prescribed for 2-3 weeks and possibly, in case of immunodeficiency, specially dosed vitamin C. In the case of smaller, not yet melted furuncles on the thigh, a pulling ointment can sometimes have a supporting effect. Inflammatory ointments have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, anti-itching, blood circulation-promoting and sebum-flow-reducing properties. As the name suggests, they pull the pus out of the boil and relieve it so that it can heal. As a rule, the pulling ointments are made from oil shale and more rarely on a vegetable basis. Mostly they contain ammonium bituminosulfonate (Ichthammolum).