Long-distance Travel: Insulin, the Pill and Jet Lag

The pill when there is a time difference: for combined pills containing estrogen and progestin, there is safe protection if the time interval between two consecutive dragees does not exceed 36 hours. So if the time difference is not more than 12 hours, you could take your pill at home and also at the vacation destination at the usual time. However, if you want to be absolutely sure, you should take the time difference into account when taking your pill.


With the minipill – it contains only progestin – the usual time of taking the pill must not be exceeded by more than 3 hours, that is, the time interval between two coated tablets must not be greater than 27 hours. If there is a time difference of more than three hours, take an intermediate pill after 12 hours and then continue taking the pill at the usual hour local time. Be sure to consult your gynecologist before traveling from one time zone to another.

Diabetics – insulin dose adjustment.

When traveling east, the day shortens. The insulin dose should be reduced accordingly. As a rule of thumb, the dose of insulin needed within 24 hours is reduced by the fraction resulting from the time difference. Example: If the clocks are set forward by 6 hours when traveling to East Asia, the insulin requirement is reduced by 6/24. At the destination, the insulin doses under blood glucose control are then the same as at home.

For trips to the West, the same applies with the opposite sign, i.e. the insulin quantity must be temporarily increased according to the same rule of thumb, expediently by means of an additional insulin dose. If you are regularly dependent on certain medications, as in diabetes, be sure to consult your doctor before traveling.

Melatonin for jet lag?

Whether you take melatonin you must decide for yourself, together with your doctor. Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally in the body and its effects and side effects have not yet been conclusively clarified, particularly with regard to long-term use. The acquisition over the international pharmacy is time-consuming, the purchase over the Internet problematic, since often ineffective or dangerous falsifications are offered.