Loosen thigh muscles | The thigh musculature

Loosen thigh muscles

In order to prevent muscle hardening after exertion, it is important to loosen the muscle groups that have been strained. The muscles can be loosened by stretching exercises. However, it also helps to shake or knead the muscles.

Heat, which can be transported by hot baths, compresses or red light, also has a loosening effect. Massages by physiotherapists and ointments that relax the muscle or have an anti-inflammatory effect help with existing muscle hardening. Light movement also helps to loosen the muscles.

Tearing of the thigh muscle

A rupture of the thigh muscle is a rarely occurring event, but it is very serious and painful. Tearing of the thigh muscle usually occurs only after very heavy strain or pre-existing injuries. These can be, for example, strength exercises or sprints.

If this happens, there is a strong bleeding into the tissue, which causes a massive hematoma, a bruise. In addition, this bleeding can cause severe swelling and severe tension pain, which limits walking. As a result, the muscle ends retract and muscle strength is no longer available. In the case of the large thigh muscle, this can lead to considerable restrictions in movement. In any case a doctor should be consulted.

Thigh Strain

A pulled muscle of the thigh is a frequently occurring clinical picture. Since this is mostly caused by sports, it mainly affects young people and athletes. This strain can occur in all muscle groups of the thigh and thus cause pain in the front, back or even in the middle of the thigh.

In addition to pain, pulling on the affected area also occurs. In order to reduce and control the consequences of a pulled muscle, a break should be taken. It also helps to cool the affected area, elevate it and compress it with bandages. In serious cases surgery can be performed.

What can you do with a shortened thigh?

In case of already existing pain caused by a shortened thigh muscle, various stretching exercises should be performed. These exercises are not the only ones that help. They are also helpful as a preventive measure, provided they are performed before or after exercise.

As a rule, stretching exercises are the only sensible remedy for a shortened thigh muscle. To do this, the shortening should be counteracted and the muscle should be stretched. A corresponding effect can be achieved by a lunge, for example. If the complaints are severe, massage can also be used.