Losing weight without hunger


The long-awaited summer figure, the dream of quickly reaching your desired weight, undoing the Christmas feast or improving your own health situation – there are about as many reasons to want to lose weight as there are people. Each of them has its own justification. And there is one more thing they have in common: no matter what the intention or reason for starting a weight loss project, only a few succeed in staying with it and losing weight.

For many, the self-chosen calorie restriction is made difficult to adhere to by an impractical approach to their diet and too strict rules in everyday life, but also by the feeling of hunger! If the chosen diet is too strict and there is a permanent growling of the stomach, one automatically becomes dissatisfied and sooner or later gets into a bad mood. This is followed by the dreaded ravenous appetite, usually first a “slip” and finally the termination of the diet.

How can you prevent this downward spiral? Is it possible to lose weight without the gnawing feeling of hunger? What must be considered if a weight reduction is to take place without hunger?

Why are you hungry when you lose weight?

In order to understand how to lose weight without starving and how to lose your extra kilos, you first need to understand why you actually feel hungry when you are on so many diets. The reasons for this are many and varied, but easily explained. Firstly, many diets designed for rapid weight loss make the mistake of planning very small portions.

Thanks to their ingredients, these are usually calorie-technically sufficient, so that the body should not actually feel hungry, but only in very small amounts. The stomach notices that only little food has been taken in and does not feel satiated to the right degree. In addition, very small portions (especially if they are eaten in the presence of others who eat “normal” portion sizes) are an important psychological factor.

For many people the thought “I can’t get satiated from such small portions… ” sticks in their minds and, in the sense of a self-fulfilling prophecy, ensures that the feeling of satiety actually does not occur. This could also be interesting for you: Slim in your sleepThe third important factor is time: Have you eaten too quickly and inattentively, by the way, the carefully prepared dietary meal and are still hungry afterwards? This is no wonder, because every body needs at least 20 minutes before it can react to a food intake and send an important signal to the brain: “I’m full”.

Those who have finished their meal long before this time has elapsed will of course not yet feel the feeling of fullness and will put themselves in danger of eating more than is actually necessary. Between the big main meals, the reason for hunger when losing weight is usually due to the drop in blood sugar. Immediately after eating, the sugar level in the blood rises.

If this increase is too strong, there is a risk that it will fall again too quickly and too deeply afterwards. Consequently, the stomach growls again quickly after the last meal. Last but not least, it should not be neglected that for many people who want to lose weight, who have previously eaten small snacks at short intervals and several times a day, it is often simply unaccustomed at the beginning to eat only three (or five) fixed meals as provided for in the diet plan. Anyone who has eaten a piece of cake, a latte, a sweet drink and a snack between meals before starting a project has trained his body over the years to shut down between two meals, to make use of stored reserves and not to come back until the next big meal. A diet now tears the body out of this luxurious situation, which is directly registered by him as a change.