Low Back Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Low back pain refers to pain in the lower back, usually involving the sacroiliac joint. This connects the sacrum to the hip bones. Every adult suffers at least once in his life from low back painback pain in general is after all the most common reason for sick leave in Germany.

What is low back pain?

Acute low back pain, which appears suddenly and without warning, is popularly known as lumbago or lumbago. Basically, all forms of back pain that affect the lower part of the back are called low back pain. These account for about 60 percent of all back pain and are therefore quite common. Low back pain is also commonly referred to by medical professionals as lumbar syndrome, and there are three types: Local lumbar syndrome affects only the area of the lumbar spine, while lumbar root syndrome causes pain to radiate into the legs. The alarming lumbar syndrome is particularly dangerous, because paralysis symptoms occur in this case. Acute low back pain that appears suddenly and without warning is also popularly known as lumbago or lumbago.


The causes of low back pain are varied, so the treating physician usually has to perform a variety of examinations to find out the exact causes. In many cases – especially, of course, in older people – low back pain is caused by natural degradation processes or wear and tear. Bone loss in particular, also known as osteoporosis, can lead to pain in the lower back. Furthermore, low back pain can also be caused by inflammation or postural deformities. Even Crohn’s disease, an inflammation of the digestive tract, can cause low back pain. Last but not least, psychosomatic causes should not go unmentioned. It is scientifically proven that emotional problems not only affect the mind, but also harm the back. If aggression, anger or grief are not acted out, low back pain is almost pre-programmed.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Lumbago
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Osteoporosis (bone loss)
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Crohn’s disease (chronic inflammation of the intestine)
  • Herniated disc

Diagnosis and course

For a definitive diagnosis, some comprehensive examinations are usually necessary. For example, to rule out a herniated disc, an MRI is useful. The symptoms of low back pain are often not limited to the lower part of the back; the pain also frequently radiates to the buttocks and legs – in this case, it is also referred to as ischialgia. In addition, with low back pain, large parts of the back muscles are very tense – a real vicious circle, because these tensions cause new pain. With the right treatment, however, low back pain disappears in most patients after a few days or weeks. In one third of all patients, however, the pain becomes chronic. One speaks of chronic low back pain when it lasts longer than twelve weeks.

When should you go to the doctor?

Low back pain does not always require treatment. They can occur as a result of long bending or a slightly bent posture over a sink that is placed too low. Constant sitting in an unsuitable office chair also puts a lot of strain on the low back. In addition, sufferers may already wake up with pain in their back. In this case, the affected person should check whether a new mattress is due or whether the sleeping surface is perhaps too soft. With increasing age, the spine needs more support, relief and, if necessary, physiotherapeutic interventions. A visit to the doctor is advisable if there is unusually severe low back pain. The same applies if low back pain persists for days despite the patient’s own measures. A visit to the doctor is advisable if there are accompanying symptoms such as the pain radiating into the leg, numbness or tingling in the leg, or restricted movement. This may be due to vertebral herniation, pinched nerves or other problems requiring treatment. Involuntary urination in the presence of low back pain is a warning sign. Trivialization or self-treatment of acute low back pain can lead to chronicity of the pain.In addition, if serious problems are ignored by the patient, consequential damage can occur. For example, ignored vertebral or disc problems can result in paralysis. At the doctor’s office, the causes of low back pain can be determined. These could also be triggered by a tumor or a bone metastasis.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of low back pain depends on the underlying cause. If another disease is the trigger for low back pain, it is important to treat it first. For example, if Crohn’s disease is suspected as the cause of the low back pain, the doctor will probably suggest an endoscopy, i.e., an endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract. Various painkillers work very well against the acute pain, and physiotherapy can also work wonders. Massages, heat therapy and back gymnastics are definitely useful here. Ultrasound or stimulation current or short-wave therapy have also already achieved good results with low back pain. If muscles are blocked, so-called manual therapy can help to loosen and relax them. If the low back pain is degenerative, the patient probably needs to take supplements such as calcium or vitamin D to strengthen the bones. In addition to drug treatment, however, there are numerous areas of alternative medicine that can produce good results. Acupuncture is one of these, as are heat patches, packs and wraps. Sauna visits also usually have a soothing effect on low back pain.

Outlook and prognosis

Often, low back pain occurs after a thoughtless, jerky movement and manifests as lumbago. Despite pain, the sufferer should move, because this is the best way to relieve tension. Gentle posture when standing up and sitting down can have a positive effect on the course of the disease; extreme bending and stretching as well as lifting heavy loads should be avoided in the acute phase. Lifting movements should only be made with bent knees. Sudden back pain can be relieved with ice massages. However, the massage should not last longer than 5-7 minutes. After that relaxation is important. Step positioning of the legs brings relief, especially in the first days. If the pain is accompanied by tingling in the hands and legs or paralysis, this may indicate a herniated disc. A specialist examination is then urgently necessary. If back pain does not improve even with changes in posture, an X-ray examination or magnetic resonance imaging is also recommended. This is the best way to diagnose disc damage. The stronger the muscles in the spine, the more likely it is that back pain can be prevented. Reducing excess weight and exercising are important preventive measures. If disc surgery is necessary, the prognosis is excellent here as well. Modern, minimally invasive surgical methods cause little stress. If the patient behaves according to the doctor’s instructions during the rehabilitation phase, healing is quick and uncomplicated. Subsequently, muscle building is recommended.


The best way to prevent low back pain is to strengthen your back muscles. Vertebrae and intervertebral discs are subjected to a lot of stress, especially when people walk upright – which makes it all the more important to relieve the strain on the back through exercise. By the way, water gymnastics and Nordic walking are particularly suitable sports for preventing back pain. Furthermore, you should avoid excess weight as far as possible, because every kilo too much also puts additional strain on the back.

This is what you can do yourself

Low back pain can often be remedied by simple means, because in most people it is caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Only with enough movement the intervertebral discs are supplied with nutrients. Sitting for long periods leads to one-sided strain. If pain now occurs, the person automatically adopts a protective posture, which aggravates the problem. The cramped muscles are hardly supplied with oxygen, harden and cause even more severe pain. The best way to remedy low back pain is with compensatory exercise. In acute cases, heat in the form of fango packs, infrared radiation or the application of a cherry stone pillow helps. All methods relieve muscle tension. Overweight is a common cause of low back pain, which can be remedied by diet.Even the painful consequences of age-related wear and tear can be mitigated by gentle sports such as swimming, cycling and walking. Since bone and muscle mass also decrease with age, making the skeleton less stable, sports should be started early. Only constant exercise can permanently remedy low back pain. A bike ride every three weeks hardly helps. It is advisable to integrate exercise into everyday office life. People at risk should take a break at least every half hour and do loosening exercises. Activating muscles means better blood circulation and oxygen supply. This also increases productivity.